Monday, December 31, 2012

The Silent Epidemic of NYC Chlamydia: Symptoms, Statistics and Treatment

For those of us who engage in sexual activity it is important that we undergo STD testing. One of the most problematic of all STDs these days is chlamydia-especially in NYC, where the numbers have been steadily climbing over the past few decades.

Chlamydia is known in some circles as the silent epidemic for the reason that many people who are infected with this particular STD are unaware that they are so. Anyone who engages in sex of any sort, whether it be vaginal, anal or oral sex—should undergo testing for this sneaky disease. In NYC there are many places that such testing can be administered quickly and affordably.

This disease is not as dangerous as some of the other STDs out there—and there are over twenty five of them. But chlamydia affects both men and women at an alarming rate, and it is most common with guys and gals under twenty five years old.

If you have ever engaged in unprotected sex (even with one partner) it is important that testing is administered as chlamydia is easy to pass on and is out there in startling numbers. In fact, it is one of the most common STDs in the world, with an estimated two and half million Americans newly infected every single year. In NYC the numbers are slightly higher than in the rest of the country and the problem remains that most people who are infected with this disease show no symptoms at all.

As stated above chlamydia is a silent epidemic and the numbers prove this. Seventy five percent of women and over fifty percent of men show no symptoms of this illness while infected. The only way to know for sure that you are a carrier—that you have been infected and can spread the disease to others—is through testing.

There are serious side effects to chlamydia even though most people do not even realize they have it. According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, chlamydia infections can progress to serious health problems that typically damage the reproductive organs.

If left untreated in women, this disease can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing permanent damage. This damage can lead to chronic pelvic pain, and potentially fatal ectopic pregnancies. This is one of the reasons why chlamydia testing is so important. If a woman plans on having children at any time during her life, testing for a chlamydia infection should be administered as often as necessary.

In men complications do exist, however, they are not as serious as in women. In men, a chlamydia infection can sometimes spread to the epididymis, causing pain, fever, and rarely sterility. If a man is engaging in unprotected sex, he should get to a NYC certified STD clinic in order to not pass on a disease he may not even realize he has.

The following are the symptoms that both men and women should be aware of that may indicate they have contracted this disease and are in need of testing…

In Women
Painful urination
Abdominal pain
Lower back pain
Painful sexual intimacy
Spotting between periods

In Men
Penis discharge
Painful urination
Itching at the tip of penis
Painful or swollen testicles

For those of us in NYC, please log onto if in the market for testing for any or all STDs. This highly respected, clean, spacious and discreet clinic is located just blocks away from Grand Central Station in midtown Manhattan and is easily accessible by mass transit. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Genital Warts & Human Papilloma Virus—from A-Z Combating America’s Most Prolific STD

When is the correct time to discuss genital warts? Uhm… “never” comes to mind, but that’s taking the easy way out. Unfortunately, there are many problems that can arise if one is having sexual intercourse. One of those problems is genital warts. They are very common, believe it or not. Currently there are over twenty five separate medical issues that are classified as a sexually transmitted disease or a sexually transmitted infection. Each one comes with a unique set of symptoms and treatment options.

In this article we shall discuss genital warts. For sure, it doesn’t paint an agreeable picture in the mind’s eye, does it? Yet they are out there, waiting to strike, in abundance. In this article we shall discuss what exactly a genital wart is, what type of symptoms to be on the lookout for, and what type of treatment is available for genital warts. Let us begin at the beginning…

What are genital warts? Many times, genital warts are the symptom of a larger medical issue called human papillomavirus (or HPV for short). This virus is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States of America. To make matters even worse, there are over forty variations on HPV. HPV can cause devastating effects in untreated individuals including cervical cancer and infertility in women. Therefore, anyone with genital warts should be tested for the human papillomavirus at a certified STD clinic as soon as they can be.

As with other viruses, once you test positive for it there is no getting rid of it. It can only be treated and kept under control. This includes a minimizing or a disappearance of all symptoms—including genital warts. HPV is so common it is believed that if a person is sexually active for their entire lives at some point they will become infected. This is a daunting fact, but it is reality. No one ever said that something that feels so good (sex) would be responsibility free! All of us engaging in sexual activity have a major responsibility to our health and to the health of our partners and loved ones.

What are the symptoms of genital warts? Genital warts are pretty obvious unless they are tucked away internally, as in inside the vagina. Typically one will have genital warts visible in, on and around their sexual organs and anus. As mentioned above, they can also erupt inside of the body, as in the cervix or urethra. When genital warts are visible they resemble little irregularly shaped cauliflowers up close. When looking at them regularly they will resemble small bumps. It is important to thoroughly inspect your genitals often when sexually active. If you find something that doesn’t look right, or you have a burning or an itching, it is important to visit a certified STD doctor.

Where exactly will genital warts typically be found on the average infected individual? On women the areas are: the lips of the vagina (both inside and out), inside the vagina and cervix, and around the rectum. In men the areas are: anywhere on the shaft of the penis, scrotum and opening of the urethra, and around the rectum. Genital warts can also be found inside the mouth and extending down into the throat, but this is atypical.

Genital warts are spread by skin to skin contact including oral, vaginal and anal sex. Therefore, anyone engaging in sexual activity is at risk. One can also auto-inoculate themselves. This means that an infected person can spread the virus from one portion of their body to another. Always be aware of your physical status and take all precautions necessary. These are some of those aforementioned responsibilities.

What type of treatment is available for genital warts? Treatment includes the application of an acid-type or a freezing-type medicine to the affected area in order to remove the genital warts. These days many certified STD doctor will use a laser-type therapy to remove the warts. Without a doctor’s help, many of those infected will clear up within twenty four months. This does not mean that the virus is out of your body, it just means that the symptoms are gone. After genital warts are removed or disappear on their own safe sexual practices MUST continue. It is highly recommended that a certified STD doctor be utilized if one is infected.

If you happen to live in the NYC area—and would like more information on genital warts or any other STD—please log onto HPV treatment NYC. Located just blocks from Grand Central Station, this well-regarded certified STD testing Manhattan has been faithfully serving the New York City area for many years. They are safe, discreet and very affordable—and are run by a genuine certified medical doctor, not a nurse practitioner as at some other similar facilities. Call 1-212-696-5900 for an appointment today. Late weekday and weekend hours are available. Be safe, be protected, be responsible!

Friday, October 5, 2012

All You Need to Know About Gonorrhea Test For the NYC Woman

NYC is a swinging place, lots of clubs, bars, libraries, museums and bake-offs—all the right places to land that one-in-a-million guy. But what happens when Mister Right turns out to be Mr. Wrong-Because-He-Has-Gonorrhea? Simple…get to a walk in clinic in your neighborhood to receive testing and/or treatment. Gonorrhea is a way-too-common and devastating disease that affects over 500,000 people in the United States every year. That comes out to approximately 2,000 cases in NYC annually. And things don’t seem to be getting any better.

What is gonorrhea?
We may have all heard of this disease. Some of us may remember watching black and white films depicting its horrors in school. (Then again we may remember dinosaurs!) Things have changed since it was only a disease to be feared by sailors on leave in old Times Square, NYC.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a type of bacteria that really enjoys growing in those warm moist pockets of human flash. As women, that’s the last place that we want anything growing—unless we are purposefully having a baby. Aside from the vagina, gonorrhea can also grow like wildfire in the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, urethra and the mouth, throat, and anus. In other words, everywhere we fear. Thankfully there is great testing available for this and other STDs at your nearest STD clinic.

How is contracted?
Well, it is NOT contracted from a toilet seat, so put all that nonsense to bed right now. Gonorrhea is contracted through oral, vaginal, and anal sex with an infected partner. Touching infected sex organs and then touching the eyes can also spread this infection. That’s it. No toilet seats, no sharing ice cream. Once again, testing and treatment is quick, easy and affordable—especially in a big city like NYC.

If a woman is pregnant and infected with gonorrhea, she can pass it on to her child during the birthing process. Infants that catch gonorrhea this way can become blind, get joint infections or a life-threatening blood infection. Come on, we’re hip women from NYC and we should know better than to open ourselves up to this kind of thing, but unfortunately our partners rarely where a sign that states they are infected with gonorrhea before we hop in the sack with them. This is where testing and treatment comes in.

One need not become a depressed ball of uselessness if they contract this awful malady. Gonorrhea treatment is easily done, but no one can get help if they do not realize they are infected. Testing is the only reliable way to find out if you have contracted this disease. Get to a NYC based STD clinic as soon as any of the following symptoms occur:

·       Painful urination
·       Vaginal discharge that is either bloody or yellow
·       Bleeding between periods
·       Pain during sex

Obviously, as women we all have suffered through some of these symptoms. It does not mean that you have definitely contracted gonorrhea, but it does mean it is time for testing to occur. Any STD clinic will be happy to proceed with testing at a nominal cost. Testing consists of several methods. They are all painless.

Since you are located in NYC, why not try gonorrhea testing in Manhattan STD Center of New York. They are located just blocks from Grand Central Station, so getting there is not a bother. Log onto STD doctor for more information or simply dial 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chlamydia Testing Made Simpler and Easier

When you hear the phrase “chlamydia testing,” your first instinct may be to get away as fast as you can. And who could blame you? Old habits die hard, and old horror stories sometimes never die. Much of the general population, especially sexually active adults, retains any number of crazy myths about the STD testing experience, and chlamydia is no exception. Compound this with the fact that STDs are a traditionally taboo subject in polite society, and it's no wonder that misinformation abounds.

Well, let's correct some initial misconceptions. Times and customs change, and you know what? So do medical practices. While we were out convincing ourselves not to get tested, the medical community has been busy improving their approach to STD testing and treatment. Plenty of money and research have contributed to a complete revamp of the experience: all sort of painful, invasive, and embarrassing procedures are now things of the past. Sample collection is a piece of cake, lab results are quicker than ever, and most clinics will give out smart counseling along with accurate results. For a curable disease like chlamydia, we're well on our way towards breaking down all those old myths and taboos. Let's learn a little more about the modern chlamydia testing experience.

Over Before You Know It

Forget hideously long Q-tips, forget injections. The most common and reliable testing methods take either a urine sample or a genital swab. The former is usually recommended for men because the urethra is the primary site of infection by the offending bacteria, chlamydia trachomatis, so any urine passing through will pick them up en route. For this reason, men should refrain from urinating beforehand so they can produce a decent sample. Women should prepare for a cervical swab, which literally takes seconds and can be done right there at the clinic.

Please inform your STD doctor or healthcare professional if you have engaged in receptive anal sex, regardless of your gender. They may need to take a rectal swab if that's the case. It's no more invasive than a cervical swab and takes just as little time.

How Long Did You Say?

The preliminary sampling period takes about 15 minutes, start to finish. Samples will be sent to a laboratory, which  typically provides results within five days. Unlike certain other STDs, chlamydia testing results are extremely accurate and usually do not require a backup. Some clinics offer rapid chlamydia tests based on urine samples; with this new technology, results can be available in as little as one hour. One quick but important note: be aware that it can take time for the disease to become detectable once you acquire it. Of course, you should definitely contact an STD clinic if you're worried, but you may be counseled to wait a few days before the actual testing procedure. This “window period” will last no more than one week.

What else?

And that's it! The modern chlamydia testing experience is not so much an ordeal as a routine, and definitely nothing to be afraid of. You should, however, be afraid of the long-term consequences of untreated chlamydia. It can cause permanent reproductive damage, make you more susceptible to other STDs, or affect a pregnancy for the worse. When the whole process is so simple and easy, it doesn't take a genius to recognize the importance of regular testing for sexually active adults. Go ahead and get it over with, you'll thank yourself. And get your sexual partners in, too! You can never be too safe, and you can trust your results once you have them. Should you receive a positive diagnosis, you'll be given exact instructions on which medications to take and how often. This counseling comes with the treatment and is informed by years of tests and studies.

In New York City, you can head to STD Center NY for unrivaled, board-certified medical attention for all of your chlamydia testing in Manhattan questions, concerns, or inquiries. Just blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by train or bus, STD Center NY features affordable, private, state-of-the-art chlamydia testing services. Call 1-212-696-5900 for an appointment or log onto STD testing in NYC for more information. Be sure to check out their Travel Clinic as well. Now is the time to take care of testing in a safe, easy way.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ABC of Chlamydia Testing

If you think that you have Chlamydia, or, if you don’t know what Chlamydia is and you have symptoms that are worrying you—for women they include pain during sex, for men a burning feeling while urinating (we’ll discuss more symptoms later on)—you should go and get tested.

Chlamydia testing is simple. There are two ways of getting tested if you are a man: the first is a urine test. Most men will prefer this, because the second test involves the doctor taking a cotton bud to “swab” the urethra at the tip of the penis to test for the presence of Chlamydia. You’ll be happy to hear that, nowadays, most doctors prefer the urine sample test. However, it isn’t as reliable as the swab. There is also a quick urine test, which can take less than an hour to get your results.

The test is the same for women. The difference is that a swab can be taken from the vagina by the patient herself (or by a health care professional). For both sexes, results of Chlamydia testing that are sent to the lab can take up to a week. This is a reason why patients prefer the fast urine test: if you’re concerned, it’s good to know your status quickly. The quicker you know your status, the quicker you can start treatment: if you’re positive, that is.

So, let’s talk about treatment. It’s easy to treat Chlamydia with antibiotics. Primary care doctor recommend azithromycin, which comes in a single dose. Single dose antibiotics can be a little bit hard on the stomach, so if you prefer, take doxycycline twice a day for a week instead. Remember, though: to avoid spreading it, the main thing is to abstain from sex until you are negative for Chlamydia.

Although you might consider Chlamydia to be a minor league STD, remember that it can have worrying complications. In women, it affects the cervix, the neck of the womb, and if it is left untreated it can cause infertility in 10% to 15% of cases. The official name for this is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Chlamydia comes from the Greek word for “cloak”: which is appropriate, because often this STD infection has no symptoms. You have no way of knowing if you have it, unless you get tested.

Some of the symptoms are, for men, a discharge from the rectum or the penis; a tenderness or pain in the testicles and, as we mentioned earlier, a burning feeling while urinating. Apparently, men have more symptoms than women. Only about 30% of women have symptoms. These can include a discharge from the vagina, pain during intercourse, or a burning sensation while urinating. You will notice that the burning sensation is a symptom that Chlamydia has in common with a Urinary Tract Infection, so it is important to get tested in order to rule the latter out. You can’t treat Chlamydia with Cranberry juice!

More seriously, women who let the infection go for some time without being treated are at risk of PID, which is a bacterial infection of the fallopian tubes, the uterus or the ovaries. This complication occurs when the bacteria from a Chlamydia infection moves from the cervix further into the female reproductive organs. How is Chlamydia caused? Well, as with most STDs, it is caused by having unprotected sex with a partner who is positive for Chlamydia. A simple urine test can tell you if you have the infection. If you do, a simple antibiotic can clear it up. If you don’t, it can lead to infertility in women, and reduced fertility in men.

And, so, you see the importance of why you need to get chlamydia test. If you live in NYC and would like to get STD testing by a board certified STD clinic, log onto STD Clinic for more information. STD Clinic of New York is located just blocks from Grand Central Station and is therefore easily accessible by all means of public transportation. To ask any questions, or to book a convenient appointment, simply call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a staff member.

Friday, September 14, 2012

ABC of Herpes screening

As our title suggests, the aim here is to give you the tools to (A) recognize the symptoms of Genital Herpes, and (B) know where to access the care to treat it. Before discussing the process of Herpes testing, a small amount of background is necessary. There are two types of Herpes (otherwise known as the Herpes Simplex Virus): HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 causes fever blisters, or cold sores, on the lips and mouth, and is more an annoying infection than a disease. HSV-2 is Genital Herpes.

However, similar to HSV-2, Genital Herpes can lie dormant in the nerves, becoming active when our immune system is low: in other words, when we are stressed, worried, under emotional pressure, or simply not taking care of ourselves. One worrisome aspect of the two different strains is that neither of them ever really goes away. While the first is more a bother than anything else, there is one complication that’s important to remember: if you have HSV-1(oral herpes), it can be transmitted during oral sex to the genital area of your partner from your lips or mouth. It is important to avoid intimacy during flare-ups of HSV-1.

Clearly, the easiest way of being infected with Genital Herpes is by engaging in some form of sexual contact with a person who already has the disease. Although some people never develop symptoms, the clearest physical sign of Genital Herpes is small, fluid-filled blisters around or on the penis, scrotum, vulva, or buttocks. The blisters can also appear on the mouth if they’ve been spread there during oral sex. When Genital Herpes is active, it can be painful to urinate; the lymph nodes in the groin can be swollen; aching muscles in the thighs, backside or knees, fever, and flu-ish feelings are also common. As with HSV-1, the skin tingles at the place where the blisters will appear. However, in Genital Herpes the blisters are much more painful, and the virus leads to ulcers on the skin, which is a good reason for Herpes testing if you think you have it!

The first type of Herpes test takes place when one already has an outbreak of blisters, or sores, on the skin on or around the genitals. The STD doctor at a clinic takes a very small sample of the liquid from the blister, which is the most accurate way of seeing if one has Genital Herpes. A blood test is another way of knowing if one has ever been infected with the Herpes. It’s important to remember that a blood test can be positive even if you have never had symptoms of Genital Herpes (HSV-2).

If a Herpes test is positive, your doctor will advise you about medication against the virus (acyclovir, for example), which will help stop the discomfort, and make the virus go dormant again. Genital Herpes has aspects to it that make it not as serious as some STDs, but it is much more serious than others. Some complications are as follws: pregnant women who have an outbreak of Genital Herpes at the time of giving birth can pass the virus to the baby. And, babies infected during pregnancy may be born premature, or develop meningitis, for example. In individuals who are HIV positive, the virus can affect other parts of the body (the spine, lungs, eyes, or the brain).

It’s important to stress that Genital Herpes, like HSV-1, can’t be cured, which means that if you become infected, it’s vital for you to take good care of yourself, because if you don’t, you can trigger another outbreak. Also, using medication can reduce the risk of passing the HSV-2 virus (genital Herpes) to another person.

Inform yourself, and remember how important Herpes testing is in staying healthy. If you live in NYC and would like to get STD testing by a board certified STD clinic, log onto genital herpes testing for more information. STD Clinic of New York is located just blocks from Grand Central Station and is therefore easily accessible by all means of public transportation. To ask any questions, or to book a convenient appointment, simply call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a staff member. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Herpes 1 and 2 Testing: The Essentials

Herpes immediately comes to mind whenever STDs are discussed, and for good reason: it's one of the most widespread diseases out there, with an estimated 16% of Americans aged 14 to 49 carrying the virus. That number increases drastically for major metropolitan areas, especially New York City. As with anything else, knowledge is power where herpes is concerned. This article will get you acquainted with the basics of the disease and then provide an overview of treatment practices and herpes testing options.

The Basic Facts

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is, as the name suggests, a viral disease belonging to the same family as chicken pox and shingles. There are two varieties of Herpes Simplex. Type 1 is more common and usually affects the face and mouth, producing characteristic cold sores during outbreaks. Type 2 usually affects the genitals with painful, itchy sores; this type is what most people mean by herpes and this type concerns us most. Both types cycle between active and remission periods. Visible outbreaks correspond with periods of weakened immune response, becoming less severe and frequent as time goes on. However, most individuals can go weeks, months, or even years without showing any symptoms. Make no mistake: genital herpes is just as contagious when asymptomatic. In fact, this is one of the better reasons to seek an STD clinic for yourself or your partner. While incurable, the disease need not hamper one's intimate relations. Timely and thorough herpes testing is the first step to mitigating the worst of this common STD.

How Testing Works: Viral Cultures

Herpes testing is most accurate within 48 hours of the first outbreak. For this reason, it's important to find a clinic as soon as symptoms appear—your doctor will have a better chance of pinpointing the diagnosis, and you'll have improved treatment options. In these cases, a culture test is administered by swabbing the sore directly. Results usually take one week and can be “typed” to distinguish between the strains (either type can show up anywhere on the body, but Type 2 is most often the culprit in the genitals). Remember that time is of the essence: the longer you wait, the more likely your results will return false negatives due to a lack of active virus. Thankfully, new DNA tests are improving precision, but that's no reason to wait it out or avoid seeing a medical professional.

Blood Tests

Blood tests are available when there is a lack of visible symptoms. This variety of herpes blood test detects antibodies produced by the immune system to signal the presence of the virus. Specifically, it looks for IgG antibodies—these develop soon after initial infection and remain in the blood thereafter. Blood tests can also distinguish by type and are known for being more accurate. Be aware that it takes time for the human body to develop antibodies, and thus the medical community recommends waiting 12 to 16 weeks from the last possible date of exposure to ensure detectable levels. Consult your doctor to find out which herpes blood test is best for you—there are several varieties, each catering to different use patterns, patient characteristics, and results windows.

Alternate Tests

A few alternate methods of herpes testing exist. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests are highly sensitive and superior to viral cultures, but they aren't yet readily available. Expect to see advances in this technology in the near future. Viral antigen tests are accurate only in the initial outbreak and have similar availability problems. Finally, the Tzanck herpes test relies on health care providers' judgment calls, a less rigorous and regulated protocol.

New York City residents, don't hesitate to contact STD Center NY to ask about herpes 2 testing NYC. They offer unrivaled, board-certified medical attention for all of your questions, concerns, or inquiries. Just blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by train or bus, STD Center NY features affordable, private, state-of-the-art herpes testing services. Call 1-212-696-5900 for an appointment or log onto STD testing NYC for more information. Make a commitment to better health!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The ABCs of Sexually Transmitted STI’s

It's going to take a sea change in our mentality about sexual health in order to reverse our current take on Sexually transmitted diseases screening. At present, it's not even a “necessary evil” to most people—“unnecessary work” is more like it. Yet America (and the globe) faces epidemic infection rates with many of the major Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and sexually active adults go right on making themselves miserable by refusing to take action and seek Sexually Transmitted Diseases screening. How to combat this? Education! You, reader, can inform yourself, and you can spread this useful knowledge to your family and friends. Preserving your health is no chore, especially where HIV and other incurable diseases are concerned. It's more of a necessity, come to think of it; the efforts we put in now will help spur scientific innovation, and hopefully eliminate these scourges once and for all. With that high-sounding rhetoric out of the way, let's get down to some alphabetic factoids to spread the knowledge around.

A: AIDS, a.k.a. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Caused by HIV, AIDS afflicts millions worldwide and has been an American public-health problem for decades.
B: birth control, a collection of methods aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies.
C: chlamydia, a very common bacterial infection that can be asymptomatic or exhibit itching, pain, and discharge.
D: diagnosis can be difficult and shouldn't be attempted by amateurs. It's best to seek professional Sexually Transmitted STI’S screening services to identify and treat possible Sexually transmitted STI’s.
E: examination on a regular basis is the first step to reversing large-scale apathy toward Sexually transmitted STI’s screening.
F: fungal Sexually transmitted STI’s exist, too—yeast infections being the most common.
G: gonnorhea, a very common bacterial infection that usually afflicts men with burning, discharge, and swollen testicles.
H: herpes, an extremely common viral infection that can be asymptomatic or exhibit periodic genital sores.
I: infertility, a possible long-term effect of many damaging Sexually transmitted STI’s.
J: joint pain can be a symptom of gonorrheal infection, particularly in the knees, wrists, or ankles.
K: knowledge. It bears repeating, this can help limit the spread of Sexually transmitted STI’s and improve future screening practices, so visit your local Sexually Transmitted STI’S clinic now.
L: lymphogranuloma venereum, an infection of genital lymph nodes characterized by painful swelling, abscesses, and inflammation.
M: medical advances have done much to improve the safety, rapidity, and reliability of Sexually transmitted STI’s screening.
N: needles can transmit blood-borne diseases with alarming speed.
O: oral sex can transmit many Sexually transmitted STI’s just as easily as vaginal or anal sex. Dispel this common misconception!
P: penile cancer, a possible long-term side effect of untreated HPV.
Q: questions—we all have them! There's no need to keep silent, even if you're embarrassed. Part of a successful Sexually transmitted STI’s screening involves posing and answering any and all questions which arise.
R: recurrence, an outbreak or flare-up of certain incurable diseases such as herpes.
S: syphilis, an insidious disease with dire long-term consequences, if untreated.
T: trichomoniasis, an Sexually transmitted STI’s characterized by inflammation in the cervix, urethra, and vagina as well as itchiness and foul-smelling discharge.
U: urine samples have steadily become more applicable in Sexually transmitted STI’s screening environments due to more sophisticated lab techniques.
V: vaginosis, a disease in which naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina are disrupted by too much of a certain kind of bacteria.
W: warts—or genital sores. The most easily recognized symptom of HPV infection.
X: The Title X Family Planning program, established in 1970, is the only federal grant program dedicated to low-income families in need of contraception, Sexually transmitted STI’s screening, and information.
Y: young women and men are particularly at risk for Sexually transmitted STI’s because of prevailing sexual practices, misinformation, and the desire to remain anonymous.
Z: zithromax, a common antibiotic prescribed for bacterial diseases such as gonorrhea.

New York metropolitan residents should get tested for herpes in NYC for unrivaled, board-certified medical attention for all of your questions, concerns, or inquiries. Just blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by train or bus, STD Center NY features affordable, private, state-of-the-art STD testing services. Call 1-212-696-5900 for an appointment or log onto STI tests in NYC for more information. Go on, keep learning!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fighting Gonorrhea Begins With a Simple Screening

America is home to baseball, apple pie…and gonorrhea. There really seems to be a problem with STDs and our overall behavior in this country. To be honest it is not really our behavior—we do nothing in this country that is not done in abundance in other countries (except for, probably, buying air conditioners)— it is the lack of testing that is the problem. Anyone engaging in sexual activity should visit a certified STD clinic and ask for a screening. It is only through testing that we will become a healthier nation. (That, and more missiles…)

Sexually transmitted diseases are so easy to catch—and boy, do we catch ‘em! How many Americans have an STD? Well it’s higher than one in four people. Heck, one in four people have the herpes virus. It’s one in three in big cities like New York. These are crazy numbers. But they won’t get any lower if people don’t go for that screening. There may be worse STDs to catch than gonorrhea, but (understatingly) any sexual disease is a bummer.

Gonorrhea is one of those diseases that has been around since our grandfathers were catting around on shore leave during Dubya Dubya Two. And it still remains an awful illness. In fact, believe it or not gonorrhea is the second most common STD in America. There are approximately a half million new cases reported every year, but experts approximate that the real number is probably more than twice that. With statistics this high who could argue with receiving a simple, easy, and affordable screening?

What exactly is gonorrhea? This is where this article gets a little nauseating. If you are prone to the dry heaves do not go any further.  Gonorrhea is an unfortunately very common STD caused by the bacterium gonococcus. This particular gnarly bacterium can grow and multiply in many of the warm moist areas of your body—such as inside the penis and rectum. Ahhh, gonorrhea grows in the rectum as well as the penis—and also the throat, cervix and urethra. When a screening is administered and treatment begins it can stop the progression of the bacteria.

What are the symptoms of gonorrhea? The symptoms of gonorrhea include a yellow or green discharge from the penis or vagina. Symptoms also include painful urination. This feeling has been called “peeing razor blades.” It would be difficult to think of a more…uhm, colorful metaphor than that. Some infected individuals will show no symptoms at all! This is another key reason why receiving a screening is so important to each and every person who engages in sexual activity. (That, and the green discharge…)

What will happen if you become infected with gonorrhea? Nothing, if you receive that screening and treatment is started—but if left untreated gonorrhea can cause blindness if it spreads to the eyes, infect unborn children in the womb, and cause painful ejaculations. (Painful ejaculations? Where’s the screening sign-up sheet?) Problems arise when individuals suffer through symptoms and do nothing.

It’s just human nature; sometimes it’s easier to just ignore something until it goes away. It is then that many people forget about the previous pain entirely, figuring whatever the problem was is gone—and progress with their regular lives. The big problem is that the disease does not go away when the symptoms do. The disease remains alive and continues to damage the body.

What can be done for a gonorrhea infection? It’s all about the screening. Receive a screening to determine if you are positive or negative. If positive, treatment can commence. The most common treatment is antibiotics prescribed by a certified STD doctor. The screening is an analysis of the blood taken during a routine blood screening. We’ve all had blood screenings, it’s a simple pin prick and does not cause pain. It’s well worth the very slight discomfort to know if you have gonorrhea.

If you live in NYC and would like to get  gonorrhea screening in NYC by a board certified STD clinic for any reason at all, log onto STD screening in NYC for more information. STD Clinic of New York is located just blocks from Grand Central Station and is therefore easily accessible by all means of public transportation. To ask any questions, or to book a convenient appointment, simply call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a staff member. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Should You Get Tested For HIV? Why The Answer is “Yes”

Take your average party for instance: once all the hoopla dies down there’s still a lot of work to do. There’s collecting the empties, emptying the ashtrays and screwing the lampshades back in place. In other words, once all the action disappears, you’ve still got a bunch of important work to do. It’s the same for certain STDs, HIV and AIDS specifically. Twenty or so years ago you couldn’t read a newspaper or watch the TV without being bombarded with information on this terrible disease. Yet as with all things, the hoopla died down. The party, as you may say, ended… and all that hard work began. The first thing one can do to combat this problem is to get tested for HIV.

Get tested for HIV. It doesn’t sound like much, but the significance cannot be underestimated. Anyone who engages in sexual activity should get tested for HIV—and many other sexually transmitted diseases—on a regular basis. One does not have to be a “dirty” person, engaging in all sorts of debauchery, to wind up infected with an STD. The longer one has sex—even so-called “protected” sex—the higher the odds are that they will become infected with something. It’s just basic mathematics, is all. Eventually even the best dice shooter craps out.

HIV and AIDS were once believed to be automatic death sentences for anyone unlucky enough to become infected. Just because HIV showed its ugly head in the gay community first, meant that many people believed it was merely a gay disease and that straight people, heterosexual couples, need not worry about such a thing. This was quickly proven to be false, but still—to this very day—some simpletons still consider HIV a gay disease. The facts are that anyone can catch the HIV virus via sexual contact and/or blood transmission. According to the World Health Organization research taken from STD centers around the world over sixteen thousand people become infected with the HIV virus every single day of the year. It would be a ridiculous notion to suggest that all of these people are homosexual. It just isn’t true. If you are currently engaging in sexual activity, you can become one of these sixteen thousand people. First things first: get tested to make sure you are not already one of these people.

We need to look at the HIV issue from a worldwide position. In countries such as India, and areas such as Africa and Asia, HIV has always been a heterosexual problem. In these areas no one believes that infection rates are influenced by sexual preference. The entire societies of these geographical regions are allied in their fight against infection. Unfortunately, due to many reasons—poverty and lack of general healthcare in many locales—getting tested is not an option for many individuals. In America, we can get STD clinic and yet many of us forgo this option for a variety of reasons.

Many of us go about our daily lives like ostriches—with our heads stuck deep into the ground. We need to shake the dirt off our noggins and appreciate the powerful protection that being tested can afford us. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention it is approximated that almost a third of those infected with HIV are completely clueless of their status! In a country such as the United States, testing means the beginning of treatment for those found to be infected. Think of the ramifications of this! Whereas before being tested this individual went about his life, including sexual activity—unaware he was potentially infecting others. After being tested, this same individual now has a moral dilemma to accompany his libido. Does he or doesn’t he take this chance of infecting his partner. In the long run, we must come to the conclusion that infection rates will drop significantly!

It’s as simple as saying that knowledge is power. This statement is true in regards to so many things in life. If you happen to live in the New York City area and would like to get STD testing in Manhattan or any other STD, please log onto get tested for HIV in Manhattan for more information. STD Center of New York is located in the heart of midtown Manhattan, just blocks from Grand Central Station. It is conveniently accessible by car, bus and subway. This certified STD clinic is ready to see you discreetly and affordably. They offer extended weekday hours and are also open on the weekends to make sure you can fit in an appointment easily. Just call 1-212-696-5900 to begin. STD center of NY accepts most insurance. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Disturbing Facts Regarding Genital herpes in NYC And the Importance of Testing for Infection

The figures are startling. At least one in four Americans will contract an STD at some point in their lives. Yet, one in four people in NYC already have one of the genital herpes viruses! This is one out of four people already walking around—but more importantly trying to smooch up on you—with a genital herpes infection. When will the madness end?! Well, when more people do the right thing and receive testing for not only genital herpes, but an array of STDs. After all, twenty five separate diseases qualify as STDs, so that’s a lot of testing!

But it makes sense. The only way genital herpes can be controlled is if the individuals who are infected know it and stop spreading it around. Here are a few facts about genital herpes that you may not have known:

·       The number of Americans with genital herpes has increased thirty percent since the 1970s

·       Male to female infection is more common then female to male infection

·       An estimated one million Americans will become infected with genital herpes this year alone

As stated previously, the figures are startling. Remember that all these figures are a tad worse when it comes to NYC, where the statistics spike upwards. Testing for genital herpes and other STDs cannot be stressed enough. Let’s back up a bit and explain what it is we are speaking of when we speak of genital herpes. Today, when people speak of genital herpes chances are they are speaking of these two strains. The first one is called HSV 1 (genital herpes simplex virus 1) and is generally known as oral genital herpes because it concentrates its symptoms around the mouth. HSV 2 is generally known as genital herpes, as its symptoms concentrate around the genital area.

What about the symptoms? What are they? Symptoms are different in all people and very rarely symptoms are almost nonexistent. Generally, the first outbreaks are almost always more severe than following outbreaks. It is because of this that testing for infection makes sense. If you are living in NYC it is possible to receive testing at many fine NYC STD clinics.

Symptoms generally appear just two or three days after infection (this is a great time to undergo testing in one of those fine NYC STD clinics). The infected area of your body, either around your mouth or around your genital region, may be itchy, burning or tingly. This is followed by an outbreak of red painful blisters that eventually break and form hard painful scabs and sores.

Remember that it is possible to infect someone else with genital herpes even when there are no visible sores present! Testing by an internist is the only way to definitively find out if you are a genital herpes carrier. If the test comes back positive, you will have to be prudent about not spreading the infection to your partners and/or significant other.

Testing is accomplished by different means. The most popular tests include the genital herpes viral culture, the genital herpes virus antigen test, and the polymerase chain reaction test. Only a certified internist (as in a NYC STD clinic) will know which testing procedure is best for you.  Testing is highly accurate, pain free and affordable.

Since you live in the NYC area and would like to engage in genital herpes testing log onto genital herpes testing NYC. This clinic is located just several blocks away from Grand Central Station in Manhattan and is easily accessible by subway and buses. Call 1-212-696-5900 to book an appointment today.  STD testing NYC is the first step in controlling infection rates.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gonorrhea: It’s Not Just Your Grandpa’s STD History, Diagnosis, Testing and Treatment

It may sound like a throwback, like an olden time disease that has shrunk back to where it originally came from and is no longer important. When one thinks of gonorrhea they may think of small pox, pirates and of scurvy, maybe of Johnny Depp coming down with a case in the Caribbean—but be warned: gonorrhea is still a scourge. It is a modern day scourge, and anyone engaging in sexual activity should have testing done to make sure they have not caught this damning and detrimental disease.

In the old days they would play these awful black and white movies to you in school (on actual film, believe it or not). They would set up the loud churning, clicking and whirring light-bulb infused monstrosity and frighten you with mono-toned morality plays regarding STDs like gonorrhea and syphilis. This may be looked at as quaint these days, but it worked. That’s right, anyone who has ever seen one of these medical monster movies (with graphic footage of infected sex organs!) has thought twice before engaging in unsafe sex. There was no need to undergo testing back then. Most people were too scared to have sex!

But like other classics, gonorrhea has stood the test of time and is still as popular as ever. The numbers may not knock you over like the numbers of herpes infections and of HIV infections, but understand how important testing is to combat this menace. Let’s rewind the gigantic projector and explain the basics...

Gonorrhea is a STD caused by the type of bacteria that flourishes in warm moist pockets of human flesh. Inside the anus, the urethra, the penis, and the vagina—all the spots that most people would prefer NOT to have things growing inside of. Aside from the aforementioned spots gonorrhea can also grow like barnacles in the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, mouth, throat, etc. Thankfully there is testing available that can alert you to your need for medicine.

There are many old wives tales regarding gonorrhea. One of them is the popular toilet seat legend. Let’s make this clear right up front: You cannot get gonorrhea from a toilet seat (regardless of what your grandmother has told you over and over again). Gonorrhea is contracted through oral, vaginal, and anal sex with an infected partner. You may also contract the disease if you touch an infected sex organ and then rub your eyes. Again, gonorrhea treatment and testing is quick, easy and affordable.

Testing is important for so many reasons. Take pregnancy for instance. A woman infected with gonorrhea can pass it on to her child during the birthing process. Babies that catch gonorrhea in this way can be blinded, get joint infections or life-threatening blood infections. You would think we would all be smart enough to avoid these situations, but intelligence has nothing to do with it. Many of our lovers keep things from us. Their STD status is unfortunately one of those things that the less serious minded will hide from us. And that’s another reason why testing is so important.

Unlike some other STDs out there, gonorrhea is easily treatable with prescription medicines and antibiotics. Yet no one can get help without the testing process being administered first and foremost. Gonorrhea testing is the only way to find out if you are positive for this disease. Symptoms can help prompt testing. If you are currently experiencing any of the following symptoms run (don’t walk) for testing:

·       Painful urination
·       Discharge that is either bloody or yellow
·       Pain during sex
·       Bleeding between periods

We may all have experienced one or two of these symptoms at some point in our lives (well, maybe not the bloody/yellow discharge one) so it is important not to get too paranoid if you fall into one or two of these categories. It simply means that the responsible thing to do is to get to a certified STD clinic for testing as soon as you can.

For those of us located in NYC, log onto get STD testing in NYC for more information. Find STD clinic by looking just blocks from Grand Central Station and is discreet and affordable. Simply dial 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment today. Testing is the first step to treatment.

Friday, July 20, 2012

NYC and the STD Clinic Clean, Discreet and Affordable

What do you think of when you hear the words STD clinic? Do you think about some dark, cobwebbed NYC den of inequity staffed by lazy-eyed staff mumbling to themselves quietly? Do you picture it like an old NYC Time Square peepshow but with a crazy doctor holding rusty pliers and a blood-smeared smock instead of a unattractive “dancer.” We hope not. Things have changed a bit (a lot!) in the last hundred and fifty years. These days an STD center is clean, spacious, professional and discreet. Some are even run by board-certified medical doctors. You know, doctors. Real live went-to-medical-school doctors. Go figure.

Hopefully anyone engaging in sexual activity realizes that your average STD center in the city is an above-board run medical facility just like all the other respected medical facilities in NYC. If you have a negative view of these places erase it from your mind and understand how important it is to get to one of these clinics in order to finally find out where you stand in regard to infectious diseases.

There are over twenty five separate diseases, sicknesses and illnesses that can be classified as a STD. With numbers this high, one must realize that they are not above becoming infected with one. Many of us—especially at the beginning of our sexual history—do things that perhaps we shouldn’t have. We take ridiculous chances that can result in disease and pregnancy. The statistics for NYC when it comes to disease and pregnancy are higher than in the rest of the country.

In fact, it is approximated that one in four people in NYC have the herpes virus. This is an incredibly high number. It only through the administering of tests at a certified STD clinic that these numbers will eventually go down as opposed to seemingly climb year after year.
One should understand that STD testing these days is quick, mostly painless, and more importantly for some, easily affordable by each and every citizen of NYC. Even you are down on your luck, chances are you haven’t stopped engaging in sexual activity—and that’s another reason why getting yourself to a medical center still makes sense.

Let’s take a look at a few STDs and their testing methods in order to prove to you that getting yourself to a clinic will be a painless and quick experience:


HIV is determined through a simple blood test. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


The urine test is commonly used to determine if you currently have a chlamydia infection. This chlamydia testing can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


These can be diagnosed by the doctor’s naked eye. This test can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Once again a simple blood test is used to determine if you are infected. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Again, simple blood test, very affordable. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Blood syphilis testing once again is used.

The urine test. It doesn’t get any less painful than this.

Since you are in NYC already, log onto Herpes testing NYC. They are a great, clean, spacious, discreet certified STD clinic run by a board-certified doctor and are located just blocks from Grand Central Station. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. NYC STD testing doesn’t come any cleaner and more discreet than STD Center of NYC.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Testing For Herpes? The Infection Rate Will Shock You! How To Protect Yourself From Herpes 1 and 2

There seems to be no stopping the health problems that may arise once you begin having sex. We’re not referring to sex that happens between a man and woman, happily married and newly experimenting with carnal pleasures. No, we’re referring to the other ninety nine percent of Americans, who seem to begin engaging in sexual activity way before their honeymoon, and therefore need a place to go for help once the inevitable health problems arise. After all, there are a whole bunch of problems that can arise. No one said this premarital sex thing was going to be easy. Far from it. From HIV to Herpes 2 just about anything can happen.

For the most part, medical professionals are not into dictating morals. No, medical professionals mainly attempt to heal when they can. Sure, they can also preach until they’re blue in the face, but thankfully they tend to do what they do best and don’t stick their noses in a person’s personal choices. You may notice a trend toward the opposite these days, but these individuals have always been on the scene, making noise where they shouldn’t be. So for the sake of this argument, uhm… article, we will accept the medical profession as they would like to be identified: as caring, discreet professionals who want to help you stay healthy, or heal—but not tell you what is right and wrong. One of their main points is the importance of undergoing HSV 2 testing.

What is this Herpes 2 we’ve brought up twice now? Herpes 2 is more commonly known as HSV2 or genital herpes. There are actually many more strains of the herpes virus than two. These other types of the herpes virus include Chicken Pox and Shingles. Yep, Herpes seem to be with us our entire life cycle, from young to old. For the most part, however, when people refer to herpes they are usually referring to either Herpes 1 or Herpes 2. Testing is available for all the strains.

Herpes 1 is more commonly known as oral herpes. These are your run-of-the-mill cold sores. Many of us have the virus in our bodies at this very moment. We don’t need to undergo testing to know if we get cold sores, do we? Believe it or not, the current statistics indicate that one in four Americans are already infected with HSV 1. One in four? Isn’t that way, way, way too high? Perhaps it will make you feel better to know that current infection rates of Herpes 2—or genital herpes—is only one in five. When you climb back up off of the floor we’ll continue the article… We’ll wait…. Take your time…

That’s right, folks, one in five Americans are currently infected with genital herpes or Herpes 2. This is a whopping number, but indicates clearly the power of a virus to spread through a populace—and why testing is so important. If one goes to an STD doctor for testing and finds that they are positive for the virus, common sense dictates that a majority of these people will practice safe sex more than they would have had they either been negative for Herpes 2 or not known they were infected with Herpes 2. If all Americans currently engaging in sexual activity underwent testing and found out their Herpes 2 status, genital herpes infection rates could be lowered in a relatively short time.

Herpes 2 testing is a painless procedure that consists solely of a simple blood test. We’ve all had these needles before. As bad as they are to think about, if we just close our eyes when we are about to be pricked we know it isn’t all that bad. The medical profession implores all Americans currently engaging in any type if sexual activity to get to a certified STD clinic and undergo herpes testing. Test for Herpes 2—and while you are there, test for one or two other STDs you may feel you have been exposed to.

If you live in New York City, look no further than herpes testing in Manhattan. This highly regarded certified STD clinic is staffed by a great doctor who is friendly, caring and one hundred percent discreet. NYC STD testing center accepts most insurance and offers a very affordable pricing list for those who are not currently covered. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. There are weekend and extended weekday appointments available. Time for testing!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is an HIV Free NYC Possible? Through Early Testing—the Answer is YES

NYC is ground zero for HIV infections in the United States. Make no doubt about it, always was… may always be. We live in a huge city that caters to any individual taste. We in NYC are acceptant of most things. Whatever you want to do, as long as doesn’t hurt me or my family seems to be the credo we live by. While other cities have exploded into deadly riots and fires over issues we hardly raise an eyebrow over, New Yorkers quietly get up each day and head to work. And people in other parts of the country still think we are a bunch of loudmouth jerks. Get lost in NYC and it is guaranteed that native New Yorkers will line up to help you get where you want to go. Try that in other parts of the country. Not the same experience. But back to HIV, testing can make so much of a difference these days that it is mind boggling.

Why would testing make such a difference, you may ask? Well new studies indicate that people infected with HIV who go on medicine early, as in directly after they are diagnosed, can control the disease. In fact, most people who start their medicine early never develop full-blown AIDS and thus are not as infectious as someone dealing with the complications of AIDS is. The facts are that the individuals most complicit in spreading the disease are individuals who have AIDS and who do not know it.

These people are highly contagious, have never undergone testing, and so do not know their status. These people continue having sex at high rates infecting partner after partner as they go about their lives completely unaware of the disasters they are causing all over NYC. If everyone had rapid HIV testing, Universal HIV Testing, and those who knew the benefits of beginning the medicine before symptoms start to appear began doing so, then we could cut the rates of new infections in half in a matter of a few years. It’s common sense, really.

NYC is a big city and it would be politically impossible to implement universal testing. That type of obtrusive health care is not tolerated in America due to our right to privacy, freedom of choice and all that. These issues are too complicated to be left in the hands of some governmental medical board anyway. Each and every citizen of NYC—and of America—should understand the benefit of an STD clinic and the importance of testing for HIV in order to stop the menace that still terrorizes this country. If everyone who should, that is, everyone engaging in even traditional heterosexual coitus, went for testing we could not only save an untold number of lives in the process, but we could save billions of dollars in health care costs.

So think about being one of the good guys or gals. Get yourself to a testing facility if you are engaging in sexual activity and learn your status. Help yourself, help a fellow citizen of NYC and help save money that could be put to better use. Let’s try building schools instead of spending the money on patients dying in hospitals when they don’t have to be there in the first place!

If in NYC and would like to engage in HIV testing NYC please log onto STD testing NYC for more information. The testing process is quick and easy and very affordable. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. It’s up to us—each one of us—to put an end to HIV.