Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is an HIV Free NYC Possible? Through Early Testing—the Answer is YES

NYC is ground zero for HIV infections in the United States. Make no doubt about it, always was… may always be. We live in a huge city that caters to any individual taste. We in NYC are acceptant of most things. Whatever you want to do, as long as doesn’t hurt me or my family seems to be the credo we live by. While other cities have exploded into deadly riots and fires over issues we hardly raise an eyebrow over, New Yorkers quietly get up each day and head to work. And people in other parts of the country still think we are a bunch of loudmouth jerks. Get lost in NYC and it is guaranteed that native New Yorkers will line up to help you get where you want to go. Try that in other parts of the country. Not the same experience. But back to HIV, testing can make so much of a difference these days that it is mind boggling.

Why would testing make such a difference, you may ask? Well new studies indicate that people infected with HIV who go on medicine early, as in directly after they are diagnosed, can control the disease. In fact, most people who start their medicine early never develop full-blown AIDS and thus are not as infectious as someone dealing with the complications of AIDS is. The facts are that the individuals most complicit in spreading the disease are individuals who have AIDS and who do not know it.

These people are highly contagious, have never undergone testing, and so do not know their status. These people continue having sex at high rates infecting partner after partner as they go about their lives completely unaware of the disasters they are causing all over NYC. If everyone had rapid HIV testing, Universal HIV Testing, and those who knew the benefits of beginning the medicine before symptoms start to appear began doing so, then we could cut the rates of new infections in half in a matter of a few years. It’s common sense, really.

NYC is a big city and it would be politically impossible to implement universal testing. That type of obtrusive health care is not tolerated in America due to our right to privacy, freedom of choice and all that. These issues are too complicated to be left in the hands of some governmental medical board anyway. Each and every citizen of NYC—and of America—should understand the benefit of an STD clinic and the importance of testing for HIV in order to stop the menace that still terrorizes this country. If everyone who should, that is, everyone engaging in even traditional heterosexual coitus, went for testing we could not only save an untold number of lives in the process, but we could save billions of dollars in health care costs.

So think about being one of the good guys or gals. Get yourself to a testing facility if you are engaging in sexual activity and learn your status. Help yourself, help a fellow citizen of NYC and help save money that could be put to better use. Let’s try building schools instead of spending the money on patients dying in hospitals when they don’t have to be there in the first place!

If in NYC and would like to engage in HIV testing NYC please log onto STD testing NYC for more information. The testing process is quick and easy and very affordable. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. It’s up to us—each one of us—to put an end to HIV.

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