Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Genital Herpes Warning to Young Men: Important Screening and Treatment Facts

The night has been a huge success… both you and your wingman are heading home with two rather sloshed pretty girls (separately, of course.) Your girl has eyes of blue and hair of gold. How did that happen? Thank goodness for beer! You get to her place, put on a mellow CD and get down to business. Her skin was like silk, her hair smelled like spring flowers and her lips were moist and delicious. Only one problem: she’s infected you with genital herpes. You now have them for the rest of your life, and as soon as the unsightly sores erupt you have run to the nearest certified STD clinic for testing. Think to yourself—was it worth it?

OF COURSE NOT. Hey, hot girls are the best, but they’re not “to die for,” as the old saying goes. Unfortunately, many young men think with the wrong head. Genital herpes and its treatment are bad enough, but if you are not making the correct choices when it comes to safe sex, then you literally are risking death. And no hot girl, no body is worth that. Not for a little boing-boing, anyway.

Including genital herpes, there are over twenty five separate diseases that are labeled STDs currently making their way through the American populace. Some merely make you itchy, others are potentially deadly. Treatment works for some of them, for others it is more difficult to get the infection under control. But you can protect yourself from all of them by practicing safe sex—really practicing safe sex—not just talking about it. Sometimes it does feel better to engage in sexual relations without a condom, but save that for your soul mate. Remember that with any type of gambling, the odds are stacked against you.

Type 2 herpes testing in nyc is no joke. The statistics will boggle your mind. As of this moment, one out of five of the total adolescent and adult population of America is infected with genital herpes. Think about that number for a second. If you consider yourself a “Player” then you’ve already slept with more than five individuals (unless you’re absolutely kidding yourself about your Player-status). Regardless, if you have been to bed with more than five different people, not a stretch in this day and AIDS… er, age, than you have already been exposed to a virus that will not only haunt you for the rest of your life, but will also cause ugly, puss-dripping sores on your private parts.

How about that, Player?

Genital herpes screening in nyc is so important, especially early on in the infection cycle. The most disturbing statistics regarding genital herpes is—that although one in five adolescents/adults have it—a full eighty percent of them are unaware of their positive status. Wha…wha…wha? It’s true. Eighty percent of those infected are having sex with other people completely unaware of the fact that they are positive for the genital herpes virus. This simply means that many, many, many people are being exposed to this vicious virus without either partner having any clue of what is going on. It’s awful. It has to stop. Now.

Genital herpes treatment comes in many varieties. The most important thing is to remember that we are dealing with a virus as opposed to a bacterium. Bacteria can be cured completely through a course or two of antibiotics, but that’s not true with a virus. Once you have a virus, you have it forever. Symptoms, such as the painful and unsightly sores that genital herpes cause, can be kept under tight control with different medications. These medicines include ointments but are usually of the oral variety and can only be prescribed by a board-certified doctor.

If you are currently looking for a board certified doctor who specializes in Genital herpes treatment and type 2 herpes testing in nyc, than look no further than The professional and affordable std clinic is located just several blocks from Grand Central Station and is as discreet as can be. Get std screening in nyc today. Call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment. Early treatment is best.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Gonorrhea testing NYC

When one wants the best results possible they engage in testing. No matter for what, testing makes sense if you want to do your best. In NYC you can engage in testing for just about anything in the world—even STDs. With NYC being the STD capital of the United States, it would seem to make good sense to begin. There’s HIV testing, herpes testing, you name it. For today, we’ll stick with gonorrhea testing NYC…and elaborate a bit.

Gonorrhea, along with syphilis, has long been a blight on America. These days, some would have you believe it is a thing of the past. Perhaps something that only World War II soldiers got when on shore leave. Or maybe something you got in old NYC (during the years that Times Square was a seedy sex cesspool). This cannot be further from the truth. Gonorrhea is alive and well in America, and still causing death, blindness and more commonly, infertility in many men and women.

What exactly is gonorrhea anyway? Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a type of bacteria that loves nice warm crevices in your body. Unfortunately for us, these crevices include the urethra, the cervix, the uterus and the rectum. Gonorrhea can also grow in the mouth, throat and especially devastating, the eyes. Once in the eyes—if left untreated—blindness is quite common. Testing for gonorrhea is quick, easy and not painful in the least. It is merely a fast urine test to find out your status.

You may be thinking, well, I don’t need testing for gonorrhea. It is recommended that anyone engaging in any sort of sexual activity undergo testing at least once a year at a certified STD clinic. Others that should receive regular testing for this disease include:

·       Anyone who has had an STD in the past
·       Anyone who has or has had multiple sex partners
·       Anyone who works or has worked in the sex industry
·       And anyone who uses or has used drugs recreationally

Symptoms of this terrible disease are actually rare. It is more common for an infected person to not show symptoms. This is another reason testing is so important. For those that do show symptoms, be on alert for painful urination and/or any unnatural discharge from the penis or vagina. You are just as apt to get gonorrhea in a small town, than in a big city like NYC. Testing is recommended no matter where you live.

Women infected with gonorrhea have a higher risk of pre-term birth and miscarriage. If the mother is infected, the disease can spread to the baby during the birthing process. Infection of the eyes is particularly high during this time and may cause blindness in the baby. If a mother is known to have gonorrhea before birth the baby’s eyes must be treated immediately to prevent any infection.

Once again, all this can be prevented by the simple act of doing an STD test on a regular basis. If you are responsible enough to have sex, you should be responsible enough to protect yourself and your unborn children from disease. Who could argue with that?

If looking for a certified STD clinic in the NYC area, look no further than STD Center of New York. They are located conveniently on Madison Avenue in midtown Manhattan and easily accessible by train and bus. Don’t let the address fool you, they are quite affordable! Simply log onto STD testing NYC website for more information or call 1-212-696-5900 to book an appointment today. For professional and discreet gonorrhea testing or any other related problem, you’ll receive the best care available.