Sunday, July 24, 2011

HIV Testing NYC

NYC has been home to many of horror stories regarding HIV over the years. Since the 1980s, when HIV and HIV testing was on everyone’s mind, the disease has sat quiet, slowly wreaking havoc amidst the populace. The only thing that has changed when it comes to AIDS is the fact that this new generation looks at it as some sort of controllable disease, like earlier generations looked at syphilis and gonorrhea.

The facts, however, do not lie. Although there is medicine available these days to control the symptoms and that stops the slow death that was once inextricably linked to this plague, infections are still occurring at a startling rate. It is only through testing that one can be sure that they are safe from this disease and thus do everything in their power to prevent it from destroying them. NYC, being a city of alternative lifestyles, which includes people who are hooked on intravenous drugs, makes it a dangerous place for those out of the mainstream.
In the old days, 1980’s NYC was adorned with red ribbons which indicated people’s awareness of this deadly disease. Now days, NYC is muted, there are no more red ribbons on each and every lapel. Yet the statistics do not lie.
NYC is still at the top of the list for cities plagued by HIV and AIDS. There are three times as many cases in this city than there are nationwide. That should be a red flag—if not a red ribbon. HIV and AIDS is currently the third leading cause of death amongst city residents between the ages of 35 and 55. As you read this article there are over 105,000 people in NYC currently infected with HIV. Many of these cases will develop into full-blown AIDS. It will just take a much longer time to do so then it did in the 1980s.
Who will fall beneath the power of HIV in NYC?  The statistics indicate that there are many different types of people and classes that are still under threat from this disease. The suburbs have become a new breeding ground. Published reports suggest that rates of infection in them are rising proportionately to the city itself.
The elderly are also becoming victims at a startling pace. By 2008 older people represented over forty percent of new cases. That is an increase of twenty percent in five years.
Women are also rising in the ranks of the infected. Since 1985 the rate of women becoming infected with HIV has tripled to twenty seven percent. Men still outnumber women, but these numbers are frightening and if the trend continues they may catch up with men.
Everyone in NYC should be aware if the HIV status and thus be tested. If you are currently interested in having an HIV test done look no farther than the STD Center of NYC. Located just blocks from Grand Central Station, this facility offers state of the art testing and can help provide treatment for those unlucky enough to test positive. Log onto HIV Testing NYC website or call 1-212-696-5900 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            1-212-696-5900      end_of_the_skype_highlighting for more information and a quick appointment.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Bawdy Big Apple NYC, Protection and the STD Clinic

 NYC, the rockingest city in the world (all right, New Orleans come in a close second…). Zip up those skinny jeans and hit the clubs. There’s so much to do here. Check out numerous museums, eat food from anywhere on the entire planet, take in a show of any genre, get lucky down at the bar and have no problem finding a hotel room that can fit your budget…and eventually visit an STD clinic.

Let’s be reasonable. The price can be high for such an abundance of men and women looking for fun. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with jumping into the sack with a new friend as long as you do the responsible thing and protect yourself from the potential ravages of raunch. If you’re new to bedding beauties—or if you’re an old hand—a visit to an STD clinic can help your game.

We all have to be on the lookout for the One. You know the One, the One that will pass along a little friend in the form of bacteria or virus. In NYC there seems to be a lot of Ones. Sometimes a perfect ten can turn out to be a One. Hopefully, you have good radar, but take it from someone who knows, it’s not always possible to pinpoint the possible poison pollutant in a pretty young thing.

Regular visits to an STD clinic will keep you ahead of this dangerous curve. The testing will give you the green light or will propose a prescription. Safe sex is the way to go, there’s no doubt about that. But sometimes human frailty (or too many beers) gets in the way of that. Stay abreast of your situation and your health status by regular STD clinic visits.

If you’re ready to begin STD testing at a certified clinic and are from NYC think about visiting the STD Center of NYC. It’s located two blocks from Grand Central Station, is respectable, clean and discreet. Log onto STD testing NYC website or call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment. Protection isn’t foolproof. Not by a long shot.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Don’t be Unsure Any More. Begin Testing For HIV Today!

Testing, testing, testing… you hear this all the time from friends and family and doctors alike. Early detection, that’s the ticket. Although we know this to be true, it is still sometimes hard to be proactive when it comes to our health. It’s just a human-nature thing. Testing should be done for many potential health risks. Just a few are cancer, lung issues (for smokers) and HIV for anyone who engages in sexual activity.

Saying it is one thing, but doing it is quite another. But the fact remains that getting tested for all STDs is a good idea if you truly care about the one you are with. Some diseases can lay dormant for a long time. So even if you are involved in a monogamous relationship now, your past experiences can rear their heads and bite you on the butt if you are not diligent.           

The facts are pretty clear. In America, HIV and AIDS is still a huge problem. In fact, the statistics say that over one million Americans are currently infected with HIV and another 53,000 Americans will contract it this year alone. This is just an approximation. It is possible that these numbers are much higher—and it is probable that they are. Many people are unaware of their positive status. Something that would change if testing became more commonplace.

If you are currently residing in the New York City area, you know that you must be even more diligent. New York is the state with the most HIV cases per person in the entire country. If you’d like to begin your testing procedure, simply log on to HIV testing NYC website. They are a respected and discreet certified STD clinic located just two blocks from Grand Central Station. Call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a helpful representative and set up an appointment at you convenience. Don’t be unsure any more.

Monday, July 4, 2011

New York City, Party Town Central.Testing For Herpes in the Midst of the Fun

New York is the greatest place in the world. Where else can you take in a showing of The Lion King, drink a four dollar beer, and play a quick pick-up game of basketball in Washington Square? Where else indeed? There are also clubs aplenty filled with hot guys and smokin’ chicks. This is where testing at an STD clinic comes into the equation. There are tons of STDs out there ready to strike a gal or guy in the prime of their life. Herpes is just one of them.
Try to picture it: You’re out at an awesome club, got your dancin’ moves on, that tight tee—and those even tighter pants. Alas, you have an angry scab on your lip acting like a bulletin board blaring your herpes infection. You may get to dance with someone (doubtful), but you are not taking any one home. Not in New York City. There are too many other gals and guys without unsightly sores upon their moist kissing lobes.
Look, we all know what we are getting into when we begin engaging in sexual relations—it doesn’t matter the age or the time. What matters is being safe, so you can continue your good times until you find that one special guy or gal and settle down. That’s what it’s all about.
That’s where an STD clinic comes into play. These facilities offer testing for a host of STDs, including herpes. You do not want to get caught with a herpes outbreak flaring while you are out scouring a bar or club for that “special” friend. The fact is that that are 45 million people in the United Sates with herpes. Why be one of them?
Herpes testing is so easy and so affordable (and makes so much sense) that it should be a crime to NOT get testing done. In New York, located just two blocks from Grand Central Station, there exists a great, discreet STD clinic. Log onto STD Testing NYC or simply call 1-212-696-5900 to learn more or arrange a convenient appointment. Herpes is bad. Testing is good.