Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Being Young Is No Excuse—Do The Right Thing!Find Out The Facts Regarding Oral Herpes and Testing

Do you consider yourself a lady’s man? Not in the unfunny Tim Meadows of SNL sort-of-way, but in the Don’t Hate the Playa, Hate the Game sort-of-way? There’s nothing wrong with being out there, dressed to the nines and collecting womanly conquests like kids used to collect stamps back in the 1950s. All right, all right we may take offence at you treating the objects of your desire abjectly, but as long as no one gets hurt (their feelings aside, of course) what can we say…We just want you to understand the ramifications of your lifestyle, young man… we want you to know what is brewing inside some of those girls’ britches. We also want you to know that STD testing is affordable, and so is oral herpes testing in particular. Oh, and that it’s never too late to grow the heck up.

Some of us get our kicks from riding roller coasters, others from hitting that home run way over the back fence and slowly jogging the bases as the crowd cheers. Others need to be in a club, or a bar, or a neighborhood house party and saying and doing anything it takes to get a pretty girl to engage in sexual activity with you. We understand that this behavior may say a lot more about you than the girls with whom you chase, but we also know, that just chastising you guys for it will get us—and you—nowhere. Keep in mind as that music is blaring that those girls are probably not going to be doing anything with you later in the evening that they haven’t done with a bunch of other guys a million times before. Oh, and remember how affordable that oral herpes testing is. You just may need to take that test one day…very soon.

Let’s take a look at the statistics regarding the American male and female and the rate of herpes within your—I mean their—circles, shall we? It may shock you to learn that while you are dancing your butt off (with that butt in question peeking out of your sagging jeans) that certified STD clinics are doing a brisk business because of this type of behavior. For the record, doing “a brisk business” means GETTING PAID, SON!

Okay back to statistics of herpes within your age group. The medical professionals generally have a pretty good idea what sort of numbers we are talking about here—and they are sure to surprise you. While one in five members of the entire American adolescent population will currently test positive for genital herpes—it is one in four American teens that will test positive for oral herpes. That’s right, one in four. Are you thinking about testing now? Do the math, Einstein. We’re sure you can do this equation. For every four pretty young things that you’ve bedded—and don’t forget, you don’t have to have had intercourse with them—ONE of them was infected with oral herpes!

Enough of this tone, but we think it’s important to speak in language that the most at-risk demographic can understand. The behavior that you and your peers are engaging in is bad for your health. You need to get to a certified STD clinic in your neighborhood and begin testing for things like herpes—both oral and genital. It may seem like all fun and games right now, but how you are behaving is just plain dangerous. Don’t believe us because we are older. After all, we’d never expect you to. Just take a look at the numbers plain and simple. And never forget that when we speak of herpes we are speaking about a virus, and a virus will never go away. Once you catch the oral herpes virus or the genital herpes virus there is no curing it, there is only treating the symptoms for the rest of your long life.

If you’d finally like to get serious and begin facing up to your responsibilities like an adult—like a real man—log onto STDCenterNY.com for more info. This certified STD clinic is conveniently located just blocks from Grand Central Station so you know how easy it is to get to by subway. If you have a job, chances are they accept your insurance. If you do not have a job they are very affordable. Give them a call when you are ready. Hopefully that is right now. Dial 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a caring and discreet staff member and to make an appointment today. Stay safe and healthy. Lots of people care about you.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gonorrhea Test: The Key to Early Diagnosis

Gonorrhea is no joke of a disease. Caused by the bacteria neisseria gonorrhoeae, this STD can be very painful and has the potential to seriously affect the reproductive system and other parts of the body if left unchecked. Clearly, it's very important to be able to recognize its symptoms before they have the chance to wreak havoc with you or your intimate partner's body. This knowledge, combined with regular gonorrhea testing for sexually active adults, can help to stem the spread of the uncomfortable disease. If gonorrhea is detected early enough, the worst of its effects can be prevented and its symptoms can be eliminated without any lasting damage. You should arm yourself with this knowledge and be prepared for anything by getting tested at a reliable clinic.

Symptoms from gonorrhea show up relatively quickly, usually within four to six days of infection. These symptoms vary by gender, but either sex is at risk for carrying and suffering from the disease.

The Warning Signs for Women

Half of the women who contract gonorrhea remain asymptomatic. Of those showing symptoms, the common culprits are bleeding during vaginal sex, sharp pain or burning while urinating, and/or a discolored or bloody vaginal discharge. There's also a risk of irregular menstruation, lower abdominal pain, and genital itching as the disease progresses to its advanced stages. Female symptoms can be very mild, which is dangerous because it could lead you to mistake a gonorrhea infection for a bladder infection or other, less serious diseases. Make no mistake: don't leave diagnosis to your judgment! If and when these symptoms first show up, leave it to the experts and ask for gonorrhea testing. Early diagnosis can mean a complete recovery with no lasting effects.

The Warning Signs for Men

Symptoms are typically much more obvious for men, though no less annoying; be aware that a small portion of men remain asymptomatic, as well. Early warning symptoms in the male anatomy include discharge from the penis (clear, yellow, or even bloody) and/or sharp pain in the urethra (especially when urinating).

Definitely let your doctor know if you regularly practice oral sex or receptive anal sex. These can affect your gonorrhea testing and treatment plans, and may also lead to additional symptoms for both genders, including anal discharge, anal bleeding, or a sore throat.

Why Early Diagnosis Matters

It's much easier and cheaper for an STD clinic to administer a gonorrhea test and prescribe antibiotics in the early stages of the disease than it is for you to handle late-stage complications, especially if you are pregnant. If you have only lived with the disease for a few days, your body is naturally resilient enough to bring you back to normal after the course of medication is through. On the other hand, untreated gonorrhea can and does lead to skin lesions, forms of arthritis, infertility, or even blindness. Also, keep in mind that having one STD like gonorrhea puts you at dramatically increased risk for contracting other STDs, like HIV or Chlamydia.

The only proven methods of preventing gonorrhea are abstinence (unlikely) or mutually monogamous sex with a clean partner (fairly likely). Using a condom in the prescribed manner also goes a long way towards preventing gonorrhea infection. Still, you can't know everything, and sometimes unexpected developments can lead to unwanted diseases. With this in mind, knowing the warning signs truly is the key to early diagnosis and successful management of gonorrhea. You shouldn't wait for them to go away on their own—which, by the way, isn't an indicator that you no longer have the disease—and you shouldn't hesitate if you or your friends show these symptoms. Even if you don't have symptoms, it's highly recommended that you get yourself tested regularly as part of your routine healthcare.

New York metropolitan residents should consult STD Center NY for unrivaled, board-certified medical attention for all of your questions, concerns, or inquiries. Just blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by train or bus, STD Center NY features affordable, private, state-of-the-art gonorrhea testing services. Call 1-212-696-5900 for an appointment or log onto stdcenterny.com for more information. Be sure to check out their Travel Clinic as well. Get tested and get informed!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Learn These Lesser Known HIV Risks Yet Nothing Bests Testing

The current status of the HIV epidemic depends on from where in the world you are viewing it from. In America, the numbers are still significantly high and growing even higher in some demographics. In other parts of the world, the disease has never stopped rampaging and is killing more people than ever. The most important tool in the fight against HIV and AIDS testing. In a vast majority of individuals, once they know they are infected, their behavior regarding transmission, changes for the better. Early testing also means an earlier onset of medication. Early testing means less infections.

Over the past thirty years HIV and AIDS has taken over twenty five million lives worldwide and it continues to be one of the world’s most common infectious killer diseases. More than one million people are currently infected with HIV in the United States today. This enormous amount—that we at home are afflicted with—seems like small beans when looked at through the wider lens of the world-wide community. Today there are over thirty-five million people throughout the world currently infected with HIV and AIDS. It is so important to get testing administered to these hard hit areas. Yet without the follow-up of above-adequate medical care, chances are that whether testing is introduced or not these numbers will continue as high as they currently are—and perhaps grow even higher.

HIV testing can change things. Recent reports indicate that if a majority of new cases were diagnosed quicker-than-usual and medication began earlier, HIV rates would drop. The main reason for this is that medications being administered today lower the rates of passing on the virus. Anyone engaging in any type of sexual activity should be responsible enough to make regular appointments with a certified STD testing center. It is only through due diligence as is testing that things will change. One person can make a difference—because one, becomes two, becomes three, becomes a hundred million strong!

As important as testing is, it is still important to understand how HIV spreads. Many of us have grown complacent. In other words, if we are not having condom-less anal sex with a heroin-addicted prostitute we think we’re safe. We’re not. Yes, undergo testing regularly — but understand the following infection methods and be careful:

There are the obvious infection methods that we’ve all heard about, ad nauseam. These include unprotected vaginal (and especially anal) sex, unprotected passive homosexual anal sex, sharing needles to get high, and being positive for other diseases that lower the immune system. If you are currently engaging in any of these behaviors please get to a HIV testing facility ASAP. But then there are these lesser known risks…

  • Healthcare workers need to do everything in their power to avoid being pierced by any hypodermic needle in their presence.
  • Blood transfusions and organ transplants. America has pretty strict testing procedures regarding this aspect of healthcare—but many mistakes have been made. Healthcare workers are only human, after all.
  • Documented between infected individuals and infants is the transference of the HIV virus through the chewing of food. Caregivers who have pre-chewed food for babies have spread HIV to them. You may see some Hollywood starlets today espousing the joys of this type of feeding arrangement. Do not engage in such behavior—ever.
  • Tattooing and body piercing can spread HIV if the needles used are not thoroughly sterilized. If you are interested in receiving a tattoo or a body piercing only visit a licensed individual who uses new needles with every costumer. These days many tattoo establishments do this. You will see them rip open a sealed package for every needle used.
This article is not meant to frighten. It is meant to underscore the importance of HIV infection—and for the testing of it. Once you decide that testing is for you, remember to patronize a certified STD clinic only.

If you currently live in the NYC area, please log onto STDCenterNY.com for more information on HIV and its painless testing procedures. Located just several blocks from Grand Central Station, this certified STD center is discreet and affordable. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make a convenient appointment today or visit www.stdcenterny.com. Extended weekday and even weekend hours are available. Most insurance also accepted. Get tested. The life you save may be your own.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Should I Seek Herpes Testing?

Chances are, you've asked yourself this question at least once in your life. Whether its advice from a friend of a friend, troubling developments in your privates, or a new intimate relationship, something always comes up that makes you wonder whether you should seek herpes testing. The answer, predictably, is yes, but it's more than a simple black and white situation. Different factors can affect each individual's situation. Misinformation abounds, especially online; one of the major factors in the spread of the herpes epidemic has been general apathy combined with ineffective or misleading propaganda about the disease. Let's put those fears and doubts to rest with a reasonable, unbiased look at herpes and its testing options. To be precise, we'll be looking at Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2—commonly referred to as “genital herpes”—and its symptoms, implications, and prevalence.

What's Going On Down There?

Everybody is different; we all develop strange bumps or rashes from time to time. Because sexually transmitted diseases are so widespread, we understandably get very worried when these show up on or near our genitals. On the one hand, they could be any number of non-sexual consequences of our environment: anything from sunburn to insect bites to irritating clothing to allergies could conceivably lead to bumps or lesions similar in appearance to genital herpes' trademark skin blisters. How is the layperson to distinguish between symptoms and non-symptoms?

Well, actually, they aren't- and this is a key reason to schedule routine herpes testing with a qualified professional. The thing is, sexually active adults are at risk for acquiring herpes even if they're extremely careful, and you shouldn't trust yourself to diagnose a notoriously tricky disease. In fact, many genital herpes carriers have minimal or no symptoms during their entire infection. It can be easy to dismiss a mild outbreak if the symptoms gradually disappear. However, this does not mean the infection has also disappeared; on the contrary, carriers with no symptoms are often the worst culprits when it comes to surreptitiously spreading herpes. Realize that in such a confusing world, you and your partner/s owe it to yourselves to learn the facts about your personal sexual health. It doesn't mean a moratorium on sexual relations, either. Proper preparation and an accurate sexual history go hand-in-hand with testing as crucial elements of modern health practices. If unusual bumps or blisters show up around your privates, that's a definite reason to schedule testing right away.

New Developments

Have things been going well with a new significant other? Ready to take the next step and initiate a sexual relationship? First of all: good for you! The right thing to do is be smart about it—now is the perfect time for both of you to get tested (assuming, of course, that they haven't already shown you their results). Remember, genital herpes can show up even if they've practiced safe sex all their lives. Condoms aren't 100% reliable, and they may have been intimate with an asymptomatic former partner. You really can never know in these cases. It's best to be completely honest with one another and clarify the issue for good.

Unfortunately, the other side of the coin can also raise concerns. Let's say you've just broken things off with a former lover. Were they dishonest? Did they (hypothetically, now) ever cheat? If you have any reason at all to question the sexual integrity of your former relationships, herpes testing is in order. It need not have been a vindictive or even a deliberate act, but skin-to-skin contact with a carrier, especially sexual, can be enough to transmit the infection. Get tested and thank your lucky stars if you walk out with a clean bill of health.

New York metropolitan residents should consult STD Center NY for unrivaled, board-certified medical attention for all of your questions, concerns, or inquiries. Just blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by train or bus, STD Center NY features affordable, private, state-of-the-art herpes testing services. Call 1-212-696-5900 for an appointment or log onto www.stdcenterny.com for more information. Be sure to check out their Travel Clinic as well. Go on, get tested!