Saturday, September 24, 2011

Combatting The Sneaky Symptoms of Syphilis:Reliable Testing in NYC

There sure are a lot of sexually transmitted diseases out there in the wild world of NYC. Unfortunately, they are also in sleepy little Maine hamlets and up and down the west coast, as well. In other words, wherever you are in this great land—if engaging in sexual activity— you should receive STD testing! With the list so long for possible infections, some people opt for a full work up. In this article we are going to concentrate on syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease that seems to have plagued the world as far back as the 16th century. Over the years it has achieved a status unlike others of its ilk. The medical profession sometimes refers to it as “the great imitator” because many of its symptoms mimic those of other diseases, making it hard to distinguish without proper testing.

Syphilis is a disease caused by a tiny spiral-shaped bacterium named Treponema pallidum. It is passed from one person to the next through direct contact with a syphilis sore. On an infected person, sores typically and most commonly break out on the external genitals, vagina, anus and inside the rectum. They can also be found on the lips and inside the mouth. Anyone engaging in sexual activity who finds sores on any part of their genitals, should immediately receive testing at a certified STD clinic. Those in NYC will have many choices of fine facilities.

Although all big cities, such as NYC, have their fair share of cases (any where there are more people there will be more of… well, everything) 36,000 new cases of syphilis are reported each year. The number of true infections is suspected to be much higher, as many people who are positive never get to a doctor to report it. Again, testing for this disease will help lower rates across the entire country. If you do not receive testing for yourself, do it for your fellow Americans!

Symptoms & Syphilis
Approximately three weeks after the initial infection, a primary lesion will form at the site. This lesion is generally located around the mouth, genitals or anus. It is small, often times not painful and will disappear even without medicine (or testing) in three weeks. This first syphilis lesion is highly infectious and if touched by someone chances are they will become infected. Because of its size and painless nature this first symptom usually goes unnoticed.

Approximately four weeks after the lesion disappears what are known as the secondary symptoms may pop up. These next symptoms are often mistaken for general skin problems, such as rashes. They include—but are not limited to—redness and rashes on the arms, legs, face or back. Interestingly enough they also commonly occur on the palms of hands and the soles of feet. If skin problems such as these arise from seemingly nowhere, one should not think they picked up scabies from an average NYC park bench—but should get in for syphilis testing asap!

Still more symptoms can include white patches in the mouth and wart-like breakouts in the genital area. Obviously, if you are suffering from these later symptoms your body is indicating that testing is required. Get yourself to a certified NYC STD clinic as soon as possible. Untreated syphilis can spread to all the major organs causing major health problems up to and including death. Syphilis also infects the brain of untreated carriers and can cause dementia and madness.

For those in NYC in need of a professional and discreet certified STD center, log onto NYC std testing for more information on midtown Manhattan’s popular medical facility. Syphilis testing NYC is located just two blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by both subway and bus. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment that fits into your schedule. They are a doctor’s office you can trust with a dedicated staff that truly cares.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Besting a Blockbuster Disease Herpes Screening in NYC

In NYC when someone hears the word screening, they usually think about the opening of a blockbuster Hollywood film at the Ziegfeld Theater—perhaps a bit of George Clooney or Julia Roberts. What they don’t usually think of is herpes. Yet there are many different screenings going on in NYC. Perhaps the most important one doesn’t include a celebrity, but a potentially devastating sexually transmitted disease named herpes.

Herpes testing is available throughout all of NYC and it’s a good thing it is. Anyone engaging in sexual activity should be aware of how common this STD really is. Let’s take a look at the facts—NYC is ground zero in America’s fight against herpes. Believe it or not, one in four people in NYC are positive for the virus that causes herpes. This is a huge number.

NYC has the largest concentration of herpes anywhere in the United States, though the statistics in the rest of the country are almost just as high. In America as a whole, one in five people are positive for herpes. Screening for this disease is so very important due to its high numbers. When an average person speaks of herpes they are usually talking about both HSV 1 and HSV 2. HSV 1 is the virus that primarily causes oral herpes. HSV 2 is the virus that primarily causes genital herpes. There are other strains of the disease, but this article will concentrate on the two most common mentioned above.

Testing for herpes is something that everyone in NYC who has sex should do for themselves. Why gamble with your health when you can easily take care of your business with a quick visit to a certified STD clinic? It doesn’t make much sense to not engage in screening. With sexual behavior comes responsibility and that responsibility begins with screening for potentially harmful diseases.

Herpes is spread through direct contact with an infected person. Due to the number of infected people in NYC, screening is a no brainer. Symptoms of this STD range from none at all to pretty severe. If someone is symptomatic they will show signs of swollen lymph glands, aching muscles, fever, headache, and blisters. These blisters can either be on the mouth area or the genital area and will be painful.

Knowing you are positive is the first step towards treatment. Treatment is the only thing one can do for herpes because it is caused by a virus and not bacteria. There is no way to cure a herpes infection, you can only treat the symptoms and live a healthier life.  Treatment for herpes begins with screening. If you find yourself positive, your doctor can prescribe you one of several different anti-viral drugs that will lesson your outbreaks and make your lifestyle much easier.

Screening for herpes is available throughout NYC and is done via a simple blood test. Any certified STD testing NYC center can perform this simple procedure for you. Fear of the pain of a blood test should not enter in your decision on whether to receive one or not. A blood test is virtually painless and the results are so very important.

If you are currently in the NYC area and are in need of a certified STD clinic for herpes screening NYC or any other reason, please log on to This highly respected facility is located just several blocks from Grand Central Station and is easily accessible by train and bus. Please call 1-212-696-5900 today to arrange a convenient appointment for you or a loved one.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

NYC STD —the Top Three Take the Test, Feel Your Best!

Like any big city, NYC is filled with dance halls, bars, and knitting clubs to find someone of the opposite sex to take home. And many of us do. It’s called being young and having fun. Unfortunately, many of us who are young and having fun “forget” to take all the safety precautions that we should when engaging in sexual encounters. This is why it is so important to receive an STD test or two.

There are over twenty five different diseases that are labeled STDs by doctors. An STD is a sexually transmitted disease and can be anything from a simple case of cold sores on your upper lip—to HIV/AIDS. It is the STD test that will alert you to whether you have been infected or not. This, in turn, will help you seek out the treatment you need to get back to good health. NYC is filled with certified STD clinics that can get you started with this extremely important process.

Here we shall take a look at the Top Three most common STDs in NYC, their symptoms—and why a test is so important:

Herpes—What Are They? They are painful blisters and sores that break out around the mouth, on the penis, around the vagina, and inside the vagina. There is no cure, only medical treatment to keep them in check and you as healthy as possible.

Symptoms run the gamut from none at all to severe. Before ten days are up (after the sexual encounter) painful blisters may arise. Be on the lookout for swollen glands, aching muscles, fever, and headache.

It is estimated that ONE in FOUR people in NYC are infected with some form of herpes. Recommendation: Test!

Chlamydia—What is it? It is a bacterial infection that grows in the urinary tract and reproductive organs and can render a woman unable to conceive a child. Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics prescribed by a certified STD clinic.

Symptoms include itching, burning, and vaginal discharge, in women and painful urination, testicular pain, and a whitish discharge from the penis, in men.

Thousands of women become sterile every year from this STD. Recommendation: Test!

Crabs & Scabies—What are they? Well, there’s no easy way to break this to you. What we’re dealing with here are bugs, plain and simple. That’s right, bugs, bugs that take up residence in your shmush-zones. Crabs or lice are parasites that live in your pubic hair (or on top of your head—they enjoy both pieces of real estate). Scabies are mites that enjoy burrowing under your skin, primarily in your genital area. It is a particularly disturbing STD that—due to the close proximity of people in urban areas—is popular in cities like NYC.

Symptoms begin with, well, noticing that you have little bugs living in your crotch. Besides this obvious symptom, others include extreme itchiness, blood on undergarments, and in the case of scabies, a reddish zig zag-shaped rash. Let’s face it, there are worse diseases to catch when it comes to your health…but the psychological toll of having insects living on or in you is a heavy one. Recommendation: Fire… no, no, no…test!

The above mentioned STDs are just the tip of the iceberg. Please get out there and receive test-after-test if that is what it will take to get you back on the path to good health. For those in NYC, log onto STD testing in NYC for professional and discreet testing procedures and a caring doctor—all under one roof at a certified STD clinic! Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. Never forget: Respect the test.