Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gonorrhea: It’s Not Just Your Grandpa’s STD History, Diagnosis, Testing and Treatment

It may sound like a throwback, like an olden time disease that has shrunk back to where it originally came from and is no longer important. When one thinks of gonorrhea they may think of small pox, pirates and of scurvy, maybe of Johnny Depp coming down with a case in the Caribbean—but be warned: gonorrhea is still a scourge. It is a modern day scourge, and anyone engaging in sexual activity should have testing done to make sure they have not caught this damning and detrimental disease.

In the old days they would play these awful black and white movies to you in school (on actual film, believe it or not). They would set up the loud churning, clicking and whirring light-bulb infused monstrosity and frighten you with mono-toned morality plays regarding STDs like gonorrhea and syphilis. This may be looked at as quaint these days, but it worked. That’s right, anyone who has ever seen one of these medical monster movies (with graphic footage of infected sex organs!) has thought twice before engaging in unsafe sex. There was no need to undergo testing back then. Most people were too scared to have sex!

But like other classics, gonorrhea has stood the test of time and is still as popular as ever. The numbers may not knock you over like the numbers of herpes infections and of HIV infections, but understand how important testing is to combat this menace. Let’s rewind the gigantic projector and explain the basics...

Gonorrhea is a STD caused by the type of bacteria that flourishes in warm moist pockets of human flesh. Inside the anus, the urethra, the penis, and the vagina—all the spots that most people would prefer NOT to have things growing inside of. Aside from the aforementioned spots gonorrhea can also grow like barnacles in the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, mouth, throat, etc. Thankfully there is testing available that can alert you to your need for medicine.

There are many old wives tales regarding gonorrhea. One of them is the popular toilet seat legend. Let’s make this clear right up front: You cannot get gonorrhea from a toilet seat (regardless of what your grandmother has told you over and over again). Gonorrhea is contracted through oral, vaginal, and anal sex with an infected partner. You may also contract the disease if you touch an infected sex organ and then rub your eyes. Again, gonorrhea treatment and testing is quick, easy and affordable.

Testing is important for so many reasons. Take pregnancy for instance. A woman infected with gonorrhea can pass it on to her child during the birthing process. Babies that catch gonorrhea in this way can be blinded, get joint infections or life-threatening blood infections. You would think we would all be smart enough to avoid these situations, but intelligence has nothing to do with it. Many of our lovers keep things from us. Their STD status is unfortunately one of those things that the less serious minded will hide from us. And that’s another reason why testing is so important.

Unlike some other STDs out there, gonorrhea is easily treatable with prescription medicines and antibiotics. Yet no one can get help without the testing process being administered first and foremost. Gonorrhea testing is the only way to find out if you are positive for this disease. Symptoms can help prompt testing. If you are currently experiencing any of the following symptoms run (don’t walk) for testing:

·       Painful urination
·       Discharge that is either bloody or yellow
·       Pain during sex
·       Bleeding between periods

We may all have experienced one or two of these symptoms at some point in our lives (well, maybe not the bloody/yellow discharge one) so it is important not to get too paranoid if you fall into one or two of these categories. It simply means that the responsible thing to do is to get to a certified STD clinic for testing as soon as you can.

For those of us located in NYC, log onto get STD testing in NYC for more information. Find STD clinic by looking just blocks from Grand Central Station and is discreet and affordable. Simply dial 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment today. Testing is the first step to treatment.

Friday, July 20, 2012

NYC and the STD Clinic Clean, Discreet and Affordable

What do you think of when you hear the words STD clinic? Do you think about some dark, cobwebbed NYC den of inequity staffed by lazy-eyed staff mumbling to themselves quietly? Do you picture it like an old NYC Time Square peepshow but with a crazy doctor holding rusty pliers and a blood-smeared smock instead of a unattractive “dancer.” We hope not. Things have changed a bit (a lot!) in the last hundred and fifty years. These days an STD center is clean, spacious, professional and discreet. Some are even run by board-certified medical doctors. You know, doctors. Real live went-to-medical-school doctors. Go figure.

Hopefully anyone engaging in sexual activity realizes that your average STD center in the city is an above-board run medical facility just like all the other respected medical facilities in NYC. If you have a negative view of these places erase it from your mind and understand how important it is to get to one of these clinics in order to finally find out where you stand in regard to infectious diseases.

There are over twenty five separate diseases, sicknesses and illnesses that can be classified as a STD. With numbers this high, one must realize that they are not above becoming infected with one. Many of us—especially at the beginning of our sexual history—do things that perhaps we shouldn’t have. We take ridiculous chances that can result in disease and pregnancy. The statistics for NYC when it comes to disease and pregnancy are higher than in the rest of the country.

In fact, it is approximated that one in four people in NYC have the herpes virus. This is an incredibly high number. It only through the administering of tests at a certified STD clinic that these numbers will eventually go down as opposed to seemingly climb year after year.
One should understand that STD testing these days is quick, mostly painless, and more importantly for some, easily affordable by each and every citizen of NYC. Even you are down on your luck, chances are you haven’t stopped engaging in sexual activity—and that’s another reason why getting yourself to a medical center still makes sense.

Let’s take a look at a few STDs and their testing methods in order to prove to you that getting yourself to a clinic will be a painless and quick experience:


HIV is determined through a simple blood test. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


The urine test is commonly used to determine if you currently have a chlamydia infection. This chlamydia testing can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


These can be diagnosed by the doctor’s naked eye. This test can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Once again a simple blood test is used to determine if you are infected. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Again, simple blood test, very affordable. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Blood syphilis testing once again is used.

The urine test. It doesn’t get any less painful than this.

Since you are in NYC already, log onto Herpes testing NYC. They are a great, clean, spacious, discreet certified STD clinic run by a board-certified doctor and are located just blocks from Grand Central Station. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. NYC STD testing doesn’t come any cleaner and more discreet than STD Center of NYC.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Testing For Herpes? The Infection Rate Will Shock You! How To Protect Yourself From Herpes 1 and 2

There seems to be no stopping the health problems that may arise once you begin having sex. We’re not referring to sex that happens between a man and woman, happily married and newly experimenting with carnal pleasures. No, we’re referring to the other ninety nine percent of Americans, who seem to begin engaging in sexual activity way before their honeymoon, and therefore need a place to go for help once the inevitable health problems arise. After all, there are a whole bunch of problems that can arise. No one said this premarital sex thing was going to be easy. Far from it. From HIV to Herpes 2 just about anything can happen.

For the most part, medical professionals are not into dictating morals. No, medical professionals mainly attempt to heal when they can. Sure, they can also preach until they’re blue in the face, but thankfully they tend to do what they do best and don’t stick their noses in a person’s personal choices. You may notice a trend toward the opposite these days, but these individuals have always been on the scene, making noise where they shouldn’t be. So for the sake of this argument, uhm… article, we will accept the medical profession as they would like to be identified: as caring, discreet professionals who want to help you stay healthy, or heal—but not tell you what is right and wrong. One of their main points is the importance of undergoing HSV 2 testing.

What is this Herpes 2 we’ve brought up twice now? Herpes 2 is more commonly known as HSV2 or genital herpes. There are actually many more strains of the herpes virus than two. These other types of the herpes virus include Chicken Pox and Shingles. Yep, Herpes seem to be with us our entire life cycle, from young to old. For the most part, however, when people refer to herpes they are usually referring to either Herpes 1 or Herpes 2. Testing is available for all the strains.

Herpes 1 is more commonly known as oral herpes. These are your run-of-the-mill cold sores. Many of us have the virus in our bodies at this very moment. We don’t need to undergo testing to know if we get cold sores, do we? Believe it or not, the current statistics indicate that one in four Americans are already infected with HSV 1. One in four? Isn’t that way, way, way too high? Perhaps it will make you feel better to know that current infection rates of Herpes 2—or genital herpes—is only one in five. When you climb back up off of the floor we’ll continue the article… We’ll wait…. Take your time…

That’s right, folks, one in five Americans are currently infected with genital herpes or Herpes 2. This is a whopping number, but indicates clearly the power of a virus to spread through a populace—and why testing is so important. If one goes to an STD doctor for testing and finds that they are positive for the virus, common sense dictates that a majority of these people will practice safe sex more than they would have had they either been negative for Herpes 2 or not known they were infected with Herpes 2. If all Americans currently engaging in sexual activity underwent testing and found out their Herpes 2 status, genital herpes infection rates could be lowered in a relatively short time.

Herpes 2 testing is a painless procedure that consists solely of a simple blood test. We’ve all had these needles before. As bad as they are to think about, if we just close our eyes when we are about to be pricked we know it isn’t all that bad. The medical profession implores all Americans currently engaging in any type if sexual activity to get to a certified STD clinic and undergo herpes testing. Test for Herpes 2—and while you are there, test for one or two other STDs you may feel you have been exposed to.

If you live in New York City, look no further than herpes testing in Manhattan. This highly regarded certified STD clinic is staffed by a great doctor who is friendly, caring and one hundred percent discreet. NYC STD testing center accepts most insurance and offers a very affordable pricing list for those who are not currently covered. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. There are weekend and extended weekday appointments available. Time for testing!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is an HIV Free NYC Possible? Through Early Testing—the Answer is YES

NYC is ground zero for HIV infections in the United States. Make no doubt about it, always was… may always be. We live in a huge city that caters to any individual taste. We in NYC are acceptant of most things. Whatever you want to do, as long as doesn’t hurt me or my family seems to be the credo we live by. While other cities have exploded into deadly riots and fires over issues we hardly raise an eyebrow over, New Yorkers quietly get up each day and head to work. And people in other parts of the country still think we are a bunch of loudmouth jerks. Get lost in NYC and it is guaranteed that native New Yorkers will line up to help you get where you want to go. Try that in other parts of the country. Not the same experience. But back to HIV, testing can make so much of a difference these days that it is mind boggling.

Why would testing make such a difference, you may ask? Well new studies indicate that people infected with HIV who go on medicine early, as in directly after they are diagnosed, can control the disease. In fact, most people who start their medicine early never develop full-blown AIDS and thus are not as infectious as someone dealing with the complications of AIDS is. The facts are that the individuals most complicit in spreading the disease are individuals who have AIDS and who do not know it.

These people are highly contagious, have never undergone testing, and so do not know their status. These people continue having sex at high rates infecting partner after partner as they go about their lives completely unaware of the disasters they are causing all over NYC. If everyone had rapid HIV testing, Universal HIV Testing, and those who knew the benefits of beginning the medicine before symptoms start to appear began doing so, then we could cut the rates of new infections in half in a matter of a few years. It’s common sense, really.

NYC is a big city and it would be politically impossible to implement universal testing. That type of obtrusive health care is not tolerated in America due to our right to privacy, freedom of choice and all that. These issues are too complicated to be left in the hands of some governmental medical board anyway. Each and every citizen of NYC—and of America—should understand the benefit of an STD clinic and the importance of testing for HIV in order to stop the menace that still terrorizes this country. If everyone who should, that is, everyone engaging in even traditional heterosexual coitus, went for testing we could not only save an untold number of lives in the process, but we could save billions of dollars in health care costs.

So think about being one of the good guys or gals. Get yourself to a testing facility if you are engaging in sexual activity and learn your status. Help yourself, help a fellow citizen of NYC and help save money that could be put to better use. Let’s try building schools instead of spending the money on patients dying in hospitals when they don’t have to be there in the first place!

If in NYC and would like to engage in HIV testing NYC please log onto STD testing NYC for more information. The testing process is quick and easy and very affordable. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. It’s up to us—each one of us—to put an end to HIV.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Should I Get Tested For a STD? If You Are Engaging In Sexual Activity—YES!

…the world keeps ticking along, as we mere mortals go about our precious lives, each one in a different way, offering varied experience to the great unknown cosmos. That’s deep, there’s no doubt about it, but there are also many things that we, as mere mortals, do that our fellow mere mortals are also doing. One of these things is engaging in sexual activity! And when one does engage in sexual activity, one should know the benefits of getting tested for an STD. Yep, if one is going to roll the dice, one should be all in… and that means the important responsibility of being tested. Go on…get!

When a friend of yours hears of your sexual shenanigans and/or escapades, and says to you earnestly, boy you should get tested… they are imparting to you great wisdom whether you realize it or not. There are over twenty five different medical ailments currently classified as a STD or an STI. And STD is a sexually transmitted disease, and an STI is a sexually transmitted infection—and all are important for they pose great risk to your otherwise good health.

When we are younger we say to ourselves, there’s no way that there can be danger in something that feels so good. But then we grow up and realize that with anything that feels as good as sex does, there comes a price and a responsibility to do it in moderation and to do it carefully. No one who as gotten past a certain age would argue with this imparted medical wisdom. Thankfully, we live in a medically advanced country where we can get tested for any type of STD we fear we may have contracted.

The mere thought of being tested is sometimes nerve racking for the person involved. Sure, we can’t disagree that learning that you are infected with say, herpes or HIV, is not going to throw a monkey wrench into your otherwise safe and sound life, but we can say with all truthfulness that knowing you are infected with an STD—or STI—is better than going around with your head stuck in the sand and infecting others that you profess to care about. Heck, even one night stands. There’s no reason to that to another person. It’s just not the type of guy or gal that you are deep down anyway.

Get tested for any and all a STD. It’s that simple, and fortunately there are STD clinics around the country that make this easier than you would imagine. As stated previously, many people in these situations are afraid to take a STD test. They should not be. Over ninety nine point nine percent of all STD tests are safe and effective. Also, almost none of them are painful. Going into an STD clinic to get tested is the smartest thing one can do if they are currently engaging in sexual activity of any sort.

Let’s take a look at several STDs and their methods of being tested, shall we?

Being Tested—The List



Simple blood test is commonly used to test for the presence of HIV infection.


(A STD that affects women.) Pelvic exam or vaginal discharge tested.


Simple urine test is used for diagnosis


To be tested for warts is sometimes done by the naked eye (but smaller warts may have to be located through a colposcope.)


Blood testing is used to diagnose if you are infected or not.


Getting tested for herpes is done via routine blood analysis.


Being tested for this STD is simple and easy and is done by the eye of the doctor. Many times you will know yourself before visiting a doctor if you are infected with pubic lice.


Blood test. Simple and painless.
Best way of getting tested for gonorrhea is through a urine analysis.

Let’s say you live in the NYC area and you think you need to get tested for a STD…simply log onto get STD testing in NYC for more information. Located just several blocks from Grand central Station, this certified HIV blood test clinic is head and shoulders above its competition when it comes to professionalism, discreetness, and affordability. Please call 1-212-696-5900 to book a convenient appointment right now!