Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gonorrhea: It’s Not Just Your Grandpa’s STD History, Diagnosis, Testing and Treatment

It may sound like a throwback, like an olden time disease that has shrunk back to where it originally came from and is no longer important. When one thinks of gonorrhea they may think of small pox, pirates and of scurvy, maybe of Johnny Depp coming down with a case in the Caribbean—but be warned: gonorrhea is still a scourge. It is a modern day scourge, and anyone engaging in sexual activity should have testing done to make sure they have not caught this damning and detrimental disease.

In the old days they would play these awful black and white movies to you in school (on actual film, believe it or not). They would set up the loud churning, clicking and whirring light-bulb infused monstrosity and frighten you with mono-toned morality plays regarding STDs like gonorrhea and syphilis. This may be looked at as quaint these days, but it worked. That’s right, anyone who has ever seen one of these medical monster movies (with graphic footage of infected sex organs!) has thought twice before engaging in unsafe sex. There was no need to undergo testing back then. Most people were too scared to have sex!

But like other classics, gonorrhea has stood the test of time and is still as popular as ever. The numbers may not knock you over like the numbers of herpes infections and of HIV infections, but understand how important testing is to combat this menace. Let’s rewind the gigantic projector and explain the basics...

Gonorrhea is a STD caused by the type of bacteria that flourishes in warm moist pockets of human flesh. Inside the anus, the urethra, the penis, and the vagina—all the spots that most people would prefer NOT to have things growing inside of. Aside from the aforementioned spots gonorrhea can also grow like barnacles in the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, mouth, throat, etc. Thankfully there is testing available that can alert you to your need for medicine.

There are many old wives tales regarding gonorrhea. One of them is the popular toilet seat legend. Let’s make this clear right up front: You cannot get gonorrhea from a toilet seat (regardless of what your grandmother has told you over and over again). Gonorrhea is contracted through oral, vaginal, and anal sex with an infected partner. You may also contract the disease if you touch an infected sex organ and then rub your eyes. Again, gonorrhea treatment and testing is quick, easy and affordable.

Testing is important for so many reasons. Take pregnancy for instance. A woman infected with gonorrhea can pass it on to her child during the birthing process. Babies that catch gonorrhea in this way can be blinded, get joint infections or life-threatening blood infections. You would think we would all be smart enough to avoid these situations, but intelligence has nothing to do with it. Many of our lovers keep things from us. Their STD status is unfortunately one of those things that the less serious minded will hide from us. And that’s another reason why testing is so important.

Unlike some other STDs out there, gonorrhea is easily treatable with prescription medicines and antibiotics. Yet no one can get help without the testing process being administered first and foremost. Gonorrhea testing is the only way to find out if you are positive for this disease. Symptoms can help prompt testing. If you are currently experiencing any of the following symptoms run (don’t walk) for testing:

·       Painful urination
·       Discharge that is either bloody or yellow
·       Pain during sex
·       Bleeding between periods

We may all have experienced one or two of these symptoms at some point in our lives (well, maybe not the bloody/yellow discharge one) so it is important not to get too paranoid if you fall into one or two of these categories. It simply means that the responsible thing to do is to get to a certified STD clinic for testing as soon as you can.

For those of us located in NYC, log onto get STD testing in NYC for more information. Find STD clinic by looking just blocks from Grand Central Station and is discreet and affordable. Simply dial 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment today. Testing is the first step to treatment.

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