Monday, March 26, 2012

America’s Most Common STD Facts & Treatment Regarding Genital Warts

Of all the awful STDs out there in the wide world waiting patiently to strike, HPV—or genital warts—is probably at the top of the “cringe” list. No one wants to begin a night of passion only to reveal a crotch full of unsightly and infectious warts by night’s end. This goes without saying. If anything can put a damper on a romantic evening it’s HPV. Treatment is available and affordable for anyone suffering with this almost-unspeakable malady. Although, it is completely understandable that one would want to keep this a secret from potential suitors and/or friends, there is no reason to keep it secret from a doctor. Treatment can only begin when one gets diagnosed—the quicker the better for both men and women.

Genital HPV
Known as genital warts, HPV is caused by the Human Pappillomavirus and over twenty million Americans are currently infected. According to America’s foremost authority, the Department of Health and Human Services, over six million more people will catch it during the next year. With statistics like this it is up to each and every person engaging in sexual activity to protect themselves and receive treatment if necessary.

Protection begins simply. We have heard it a million times, but how many of us actually practice it? We are speaking of safe sex, of course. Many of us will also speak sternly to friends, imploring them to practice safe sex as a matter of course, only to find ourselves (after a few cocktails) dismissing our own good advice. Why is that? With the specter of all STDs in general—and genital warts in particular—hanging precariously over our heads each and every time we go out for a night of fun, why do we sometimes find it difficult to listen to even ourselves? It’s hard to say why some of us would choose a life-time of treatment for a few moments of condom-less pleasure.

A lifetime of treatment? Yes, a lifetime. Genital warts are not caused by bacteria that you can knock out of your system with a course or two of antibiotics. No, genital warts are caused by a virus, and once you have them, you have them forever. There is no genital warts cure, only controlling its symptoms through thorough HPV testing NYC—over a lifetime.

What are the symptoms of genital warts? HPV’s symptoms are numerous painful and unsightly warts all over the genital area. Breakouts in men are typically along the length of the penis shaft and also around and inside the rectum. In women, the breakouts occur on the labia, rectum and entire genital area—but more importantly the warts can grow inside of a woman’s cervix and cause cancer. It is viewed by the health care system as such a potentially devastating problem for young women, that in some states a controversial vaccination for girls has been instituted. This is a mode of treatment that goes too far for some families. These families rather not have the government tell them what medicine their daughters and sisters should have to take.

Your best bet when it comes to treatment for genital warts is to visit a certified STD doctor NYC. The treatment for genital warts is varied. They can be removed via laser, and may be treated with gels and ointments. Only a doctor will know the best course of treatment for each individual and only after a personal diagnosis. Remember that condoms go a long way in protecting against STDs such as genital warts.

What if you think you may have genital warts, what it is you should look for? Genital warts are small fleshy appendages that look like little cauliflowers up close. They may be painful and/or itchy. Remember that they do occur inside the body and that only a doctor can make the proper diagnosis.

For those of us in NYC, log onto genital warts cure in NYC for the best testing and treatment for genital warts possible. This certified HPV treatment NYC is located just two blocks from Grand Central Station is affordable and very easy to get to via mass transit (such as the subway and buses). Call 1-212-696-5900 to make a quick and convenient appointment today. STD Center of New York offers extended weekday and weekend hours to better serve the community.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Getting Through and Making Due Genital Herpes: Its Testing & Treatment

What is it with Americans and genital herpes? You may not know the full details, so sit down and relax before we get going. In the United States alone, one in five adolescents and/or adults are already positive for the virus that causes genital herpes. One in five! Genital herpes! Did you know that? We thunk not. Treatment for this malicious malady—although life-long—is easy, quick and affordable, but testing must be done first in order to ascertain your status. Don’t think you’re Superman, get to a certified STD clinic soon and see if genital herpes treatment is in your near future.

Genital herpes has been around forever, but since the 1970s the number of Americans testing positive for them has risen a whopping thirty percent! What’s going on these days? Didn’t we all live through the awful eighties—when HIV pounced on the scene—and didn’t we all begin practicing safe sex? Apparently not as much as we were lead to believe if you believe these numbers. Believe them.

All righty then, let’s get to the meat of the article, shall we? What exactly is it we are speaking of when we speak of genital herpes, and what type of treatment is available for the one-in-five of us unlucky enough to be tested positive? Well, herpes itself is a vast array of variant strains of a similar virus which includes cold sores and even chickenpox. However, it is generally HSV 1 and HSV 2 people mean when they speak of herpes.

HSV 1 is your traditional, everyday oral herpes, the common cold sore. HSV 2 is the sister strain to HSV 1 and is colloquially known as genital herpes. Sores and blisters break out below the belt and form scabs as they heal. Thankfully, treatment is available for both of these infections.

How does one know they have genital herpes? What are the symptoms we all should be looking for? They include the aforementioned series of painful blisters and sores that turn into painful scabs. Before these outward symptoms appear, you may feel some other changes approximately two or three days after catching the virus from your infected lover.

During this time you may feel get a fever fall tired easily and receive flu-like symptoms including headache and upset stomach. Remember that not everyone who is infected with genital herpes will show outward symptoms. It is known that some infected individuals are just carriers. These individuals remain symptom-less yet can go on infecting the people they sleep with one after another like raindrops falling on a spring morning. Only testing and treatment will stop the cycle of outbreak after outbreak.

Treatment will always be needed, but what is the mode of testing for genital herpes? Is it safe? Is it painful? The answer to both of these questions is whole-hearted yes! Although there are several different testing procedures, all are painless and none include fear of further infection. In the United States there the testing procedures for oral and genital herpes include: the herpes viral culture, the polymerase chain reaction test and the herpes antigen test. Only your doctor for STD at a certified clinic can choose the best testing procedure for you and you alone. After testing, if bad news is what you receive, remember to leave it to the trained professional to recommend the best treatment medicine for you to help keep your oral or genital herpes infection from proceeding any further.

These days, there are a bunch of different genital herpes treatment NYC methods. These include ointments and creams to be applied to already broken-out skin, and pills to take at the first sign of an outbreak. Many infected individuals say they know when an outbreak of blisters will arrive due to a “tingly” feeling on their genitals or lips. For many modes of treatment, it is suggested they begin at the first sign of this pre-breakout “tingle.” It is proven that many outbreaks can be stopped with just a bit of diligence. Pay attention to your body and it will pay off.

For those living in NYC why not log on to: genital herpes test NYC for more information on genital herpes testing and treatment. Type 2 herpes testing NYC is located in professional offices on Madison Avenue and is headed up by a caring and discreet board-certified doctor who will do all he can to successfully treat your herpes infection or any other STD-related problem. Just call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment today!

Monday, March 5, 2012

NYC: Ground Zero for Herpes Infections—The Importance of Testing

Testing for herpes in NYC is a relatively easy thing to do. And where is more needed than in our crazed, large city filled with night clubs and one-night stands? We’re kidding, of course. Every city and every small town in America is at risk for this monster of an STD it is just where more people congregate (NYC as opposed to West BubbaFrig, Montana) there are more infections.

One look at the statistics should have your head reeling. It is approximated that in United States one in five people are infected with at least one form of the herpes virus. In NYC the numbers get even worse with a shocking one in four people thought to be infected. These numbers do not come from graffiti found scrawled in public restroom stalls, they come from the top experts in the field. These are the numbers and things do not seem to be getting any better. Testing is an important way to get these statistics under control.

How? You may be asking yourself. How will testing get the statistics down? After all, if you undergo testing and the results come back positive, you have the virus and there’s nothing you can do to get rid of it. You’re stuck with it for life, right? Well…. et’s be truthful here. If you found out that you had a virus that causes some pretty darn awful symptoms would you expose the people you love to it if you could help it? We say you won’t. (There are some monsters out there that get off on doing this type of thing but, thankfully, they are few and far between.) Knowledge is power when it comes to herpes.

Why not take a moment to rewind here and explain what it is we are taking about when we speak of herpes. Herpes is a viral infection that includes more strains than you may be aware of. These other strains include chicken pox and shingles. Today, when people speak of herpes they are typically speaking of two main strains. The first one is called HSV 1 (herpes simplex virus 1) and it is generally known as oral herpes because it concentrates its symptoms in & around the mouth. HSV 2 is generally known as genital herpes. Its symptoms generally concentrate around the genital area. This can include the shaft of the penis, the head of the penis, the outer or inner lips of the labia and anywhere else “below the belt” you can think of. Thankfully, oral herpes testing NYC is available quickly and easily for both of these common strains.

What are some of the symptoms that are associated with a herpes infection? Although symptoms vary in different individuals there are obviously many that are general enough to describe the infection as a whole. Symptoms begin to appear in just two or three days after infection takes place. The infected area of your body—either around your mouth or around your genital region—may burn, be itchy or feel “tingly.” These symptoms are followed by an outbreak of red blisters. Once these blisters break, they form painful sores.

How is HSV 2 testing done? Well, there are different means of testing available for herpes and only a certified STD clinic will be able to ascertain which testing method is right for you. In NYC there are many of these facilities. Herpes testing methods include a herpes viral culture, the herpes virus antigen test, and the polymerase chain reaction test. Whether testing of the sore itself or a quick blood test, results are quick, painless & highly accurate.

If you happen to live in the NYC area and would like to engage in genital herpes testing NYC from a certified STD clinic, log onto STD Testing in NYC. This clinic is located in midtown Manhattan and is easily accessible by subway and buses. Call 1-212-696-5900 to book an appointment or to have any of those questions answered. Remember: Knowledge is power!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Imagine a Future With No AIDS: HIV Testing in NYC

NYC has always had the reputation of being a dangerous place. These days, we who live here wonder why. Things sure have changed since the Wild West days of the nineteen seventies, when crime ran rampant and entire neighborhoods looked like war zones, haunted by the drug addicted and mentally ill. Alas, NYC is still a dangerous place in some respects. Did you know that NYC tops the list in regards to HIV infections and some other STDs? It does. Clearly, there’s still a lot of work all of us can do to help make this wonderful city even safer than it has become in the past few decades. One great way to do this is to receive testing for diseases like HIV.

HIV testing makes sense for so many reasons. The latest studies say that if individuals infected by HIV began receiving their medicine at a much earlier rate than is currently occurring that the virus could dwindle away in as little as ten years. Not to zero, but to much, much more manageable levels. This would not only save countless lives but it would pump more money into the economy of NYC at a time when it is so important to not be wasting money.

Let’s state clearly for those who are still uneducated regarding HIV just exactly what it is: HIV is a short for the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus. This virus attacks the body’s defenses, most aggressively its immune system, making it much easier for an infected individual to acquire any life threatening illness. Without the body’s natural built-in defenses any number of diseases can prove fatal.

Approximately twenty years ago in NYC it seemed that everyone was on the HIV bandwagon, sporting ribbons and reporting to STD clinic for testing diligently. These days—with better medicines keeping infected individuals from slipping into the horrors of full-blown AIDS—it almost seems as if we have forgotten the danger that accompanies sexual risk taking. Habits have gone from good to bad in just a short period of time.

Currently the statistics state that over one hundred and ninety thousand people from New York State are infected with the HIV virus—that’s three times the national average! Three times! These numbers include over two thousand infected persons under the age of thirteen. To make matters much worse—because herpes testing is not considered as important as it used to be—thousands of New Yorkers are living with the virus at this very moment—and do not even realize it. This is a terrible statistic that must be stopped and reversed.

When individuals are clueless about their infection they go about living the same lives they always have—and that includes unprotected sex that can and will infect more and more people. And so the dire cycle continues unabated. This can be stopped if every single person in NYC received STD testing in Manhattan. Those who are infected can curtail their behaviors, thus stopping the next generation of HIV victims. At the same time, those who would have started their medicine later in life can begin right away, keeping their ability to infect others—even through unprotected sex—to a minimum.

For those of us in NYC who feels that testing is for them, log onto herpes 2 testing NYC, and get the lowdown on how quick, easy and affordable HIV testing is. This certified STD clinic is located mere blocks from Grand Central Station, making it extremely accessible by subway and bus. Call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment today. Genital herpes testing in NYC is so important to our city. Please, begin soon.