Sunday, March 4, 2012

Imagine a Future With No AIDS: HIV Testing in NYC

NYC has always had the reputation of being a dangerous place. These days, we who live here wonder why. Things sure have changed since the Wild West days of the nineteen seventies, when crime ran rampant and entire neighborhoods looked like war zones, haunted by the drug addicted and mentally ill. Alas, NYC is still a dangerous place in some respects. Did you know that NYC tops the list in regards to HIV infections and some other STDs? It does. Clearly, there’s still a lot of work all of us can do to help make this wonderful city even safer than it has become in the past few decades. One great way to do this is to receive testing for diseases like HIV.

HIV testing makes sense for so many reasons. The latest studies say that if individuals infected by HIV began receiving their medicine at a much earlier rate than is currently occurring that the virus could dwindle away in as little as ten years. Not to zero, but to much, much more manageable levels. This would not only save countless lives but it would pump more money into the economy of NYC at a time when it is so important to not be wasting money.

Let’s state clearly for those who are still uneducated regarding HIV just exactly what it is: HIV is a short for the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus. This virus attacks the body’s defenses, most aggressively its immune system, making it much easier for an infected individual to acquire any life threatening illness. Without the body’s natural built-in defenses any number of diseases can prove fatal.

Approximately twenty years ago in NYC it seemed that everyone was on the HIV bandwagon, sporting ribbons and reporting to STD clinic for testing diligently. These days—with better medicines keeping infected individuals from slipping into the horrors of full-blown AIDS—it almost seems as if we have forgotten the danger that accompanies sexual risk taking. Habits have gone from good to bad in just a short period of time.

Currently the statistics state that over one hundred and ninety thousand people from New York State are infected with the HIV virus—that’s three times the national average! Three times! These numbers include over two thousand infected persons under the age of thirteen. To make matters much worse—because herpes testing is not considered as important as it used to be—thousands of New Yorkers are living with the virus at this very moment—and do not even realize it. This is a terrible statistic that must be stopped and reversed.

When individuals are clueless about their infection they go about living the same lives they always have—and that includes unprotected sex that can and will infect more and more people. And so the dire cycle continues unabated. This can be stopped if every single person in NYC received STD testing in Manhattan. Those who are infected can curtail their behaviors, thus stopping the next generation of HIV victims. At the same time, those who would have started their medicine later in life can begin right away, keeping their ability to infect others—even through unprotected sex—to a minimum.

For those of us in NYC who feels that testing is for them, log onto herpes 2 testing NYC, and get the lowdown on how quick, easy and affordable HIV testing is. This certified STD clinic is located mere blocks from Grand Central Station, making it extremely accessible by subway and bus. Call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment today. Genital herpes testing in NYC is so important to our city. Please, begin soon.

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