Monday, February 28, 2011

NYC STD Testing: The Top Three Romance Exterminators

NYC is a romantic town, brimming with hot-to-trot men and women looking for a good time. Whatever your special interest is there’s someone willing to join you in the fun. Fantasy is awesome but reality is a bummer. In order to have a great time between the sheets with that someone special, it’s probably a good idea to have a clean bill of health first. The following is a list of the top three STDs in reverse order that will stop your hook ups dead in their tracks—whether in NYC, or anywhere else!

3. CHLAMYDIA: This one is a silent stickler. An estimated 2.8 million Americans are infected with this disease every year. It’s also one of the most commonly reported STDs in New York. The biggest problem with Chlamydia is its ability to fly way below the radar. Approximately 75% of women and 50% of men show no symptoms at all and go about their merry way spreading this sexual affliction to everyone they choose to have relations with.

Untested and untreated Chlamydia infects the urethra in men and the cervix in women and can spread to the reproductive organs. It can also cause pelvic inflammatory disease and—even worse—if passed to a newborn from an infected mom, the baby can be blinded.

Chlamydia Testing in New York City consists of a simple urine sample or a quick swab to determine status.

2. GENITAL HPV: Commonly referred to as Genital Warts this bawdy bug is as bad as its name suggests. Genital HPV is caused by the human papillomavirus. Over twenty million Americans are currently carrying the virus and six million people will be newly infected in the next year alone.

Untested and untreated this bestial blight’s symptoms can cause unsightly and uncomfortable warts in the most private of areas. In men it is common for these breakouts to arise on the penis and around the anus. In women, the breakouts can erupt on the outer and inner labia and even inside the cervix. Though this STD’s symptoms are as unpleasant as one can imagine, it is also a devastating illness that can also cause cervical cancer in women.

HPV Testing in NYC may include a visual inspection for men and a swabbing for women.

HERPES: Herpes is an erotic infirmity of the highest order. It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by two different, but related, viruses. Herpes is very common and infects a minimum of 45 million Americans. The first virus (Herpes simplex virus 1) causes blisters around and inside the lips and mouth. The second virus (Herpes simplex virus 2) manifests itself as outbreaks of blisters and sores in the genital region, including the vagina, penis and anus.

Untested and untreated this carnal contagion can cause painful recurrent outbreaks for the remainder of your lifetime and can be passed to any or all of your future lovers. Herpes can also be a danger to newborns.

Herpes Testing in NYC consists of a simple blood test.

Any New Yorker wishing to be tested for these (or any other) sexually transmitted diseases should log onto to begin the process as professionally—and as pain-free—as possible. Discretion is always assured.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

HIV Testing In NYC .Who is at risk?

Back during the 1980s and 90s the population of NYC was hyper-aware of the looming threat of HIV. It was a new phenomenon and the press was vigilant, reporting consistently if often sensationally. Because of this, it is fair to say that many citizens were frightened and most everyone was getting testing done. Fast forward to today, and due to a slowing of infection rates and the advent of spectacular new drugs that keep HIV patients from contracting full-blown AIDS, many persons who are at risk do not have the same concerns as their counterparts did in the early days of this scourge. This phenomenon has been deemed AIDS Fatigue—and it needs to stop.

New Yorkers should be aware that their city is the zenith of AIDS infection. It has three times as many cases as the national average, with AIDS being the third leading cause of death for city residents aged 35-54. At this time there are over 107,000 people infected in the city and thousands more unaware that they are currently positive for the virus. With such disheartening statistics, it is clear why HIV Tesing in NYC  is of such importance.

This leads to the simple question of who should be tested? The following is a checklist of individuals who are at the greatest risk of infection, and therefore are advised to be tested:

·       Anyone who engages in unprotected sex

·       Anyone who has multiple sexual partners

·       Anyone with a history of other sexually transmitted diseases

·       Anyone beginning a new sexual relationship

·       Victims of rape

HIV Testing is safe, fast and reliable. The method by which the testing is achieved is a simple blood test that looks for the antibodies produced by the immune system when HIV is present. The test is 99.5 percent accurate. In the case of a positive result, a confirmatory test is run using the same blood sample. This test is called the Reflex to Western Blot Confirmation test and is done to factor out false positive results.

All New Yorkers should be tested for HIV, if not for themselves than for the ones that they love and who love them. These days, keeping safe is easier than ever. All one needs is the will—and the resources. A great place to get your STD testing in NYC located is STD Clinic in the heart of Manhattan on Madison Avenue and 39-40th street. Call 212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Herpes Testing. If You Think About It—It’s Time To Do It.

Are you a sexually active individual who has had more than one partner or has ever engaged in unprotected sex? If the answer is yes, it is time to receive herpes testing. Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by two viruses: herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2. It is a very common disease that affects an estimated 45 million people in the United States. Herpes type 1 is mostly found on the mouth in the form of a cold sore or fever blisters. Herpes type 2 is presented in the form of outbreaks in the genital area.

How do you know if you have herpes? The obvious way to tell if you are infected, and thus in need of further herpes testing and therapy, are the presence of painful cold sores around your mouth or itching blisters around and on your genitals. It is IMPORTANT to remember that an individual can be infected with both herpes viruses and show NO SYMPTOMS at all. In fact, sufferers of herpes do not always have the tell-tale blisters and cold sores. It is only during an “outbreak” that such obvious symptoms are present. If you have ever suffered from these types of outbreaks, it is time to get herpes testing.

At the STD Clinic of NYC herpes testing is affordable and discreet. At the clinic, our trained STD doctor sends your blood sample to a professional laboratory to test for the virus. The test that we use will not only determine whether you have herpes or not, but also differentiate which infection you have: herpes 1 or herpes 2. Your test results will be available in 3-5 business days.

If your herpes testing proves positive, the doctor can prescribe you antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir) and valacyclovir (Valtrex) that may help you control, decrease the severity, or shorten your symptoms. Also, there are drugs that can be taken to suppress the virus to prevent an infected person from passing the virus on to their sexual partner. Unfortunately at this time there is no cure for herpes, just management of infection and outbreaks.
So how can one visit the STD Clinic of NYC and receive herpes testing? It’s simple. Just call 212  696 5900 to set up an appointment. We are located at 274 Madison Avenue between 39th and 40th streets, New York, NY 10016 in the heart of midtown Manhattan—and easily accessible from all surrounding neighborhoods: West Village, East Village, West Village, Upper East side, Upper West side and more.
The STD Clinic of New York proudly accepts most insurance including (but not limited to) Atlantis, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AETNA, Empire, MagnaCare, and Oxford. For a complete list of insurance we accept, and to answer many more of your questions, just log onto It’s time you did.