Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Genital Warts & Human Papilloma Virus—from A-Z Combating America’s Most Prolific STD

When is the correct time to discuss genital warts? Uhm… “never” comes to mind, but that’s taking the easy way out. Unfortunately, there are many problems that can arise if one is having sexual intercourse. One of those problems is genital warts. They are very common, believe it or not. Currently there are over twenty five separate medical issues that are classified as a sexually transmitted disease or a sexually transmitted infection. Each one comes with a unique set of symptoms and treatment options.

In this article we shall discuss genital warts. For sure, it doesn’t paint an agreeable picture in the mind’s eye, does it? Yet they are out there, waiting to strike, in abundance. In this article we shall discuss what exactly a genital wart is, what type of symptoms to be on the lookout for, and what type of treatment is available for genital warts. Let us begin at the beginning…

What are genital warts? Many times, genital warts are the symptom of a larger medical issue called human papillomavirus (or HPV for short). This virus is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States of America. To make matters even worse, there are over forty variations on HPV. HPV can cause devastating effects in untreated individuals including cervical cancer and infertility in women. Therefore, anyone with genital warts should be tested for the human papillomavirus at a certified STD clinic as soon as they can be.

As with other viruses, once you test positive for it there is no getting rid of it. It can only be treated and kept under control. This includes a minimizing or a disappearance of all symptoms—including genital warts. HPV is so common it is believed that if a person is sexually active for their entire lives at some point they will become infected. This is a daunting fact, but it is reality. No one ever said that something that feels so good (sex) would be responsibility free! All of us engaging in sexual activity have a major responsibility to our health and to the health of our partners and loved ones.

What are the symptoms of genital warts? Genital warts are pretty obvious unless they are tucked away internally, as in inside the vagina. Typically one will have genital warts visible in, on and around their sexual organs and anus. As mentioned above, they can also erupt inside of the body, as in the cervix or urethra. When genital warts are visible they resemble little irregularly shaped cauliflowers up close. When looking at them regularly they will resemble small bumps. It is important to thoroughly inspect your genitals often when sexually active. If you find something that doesn’t look right, or you have a burning or an itching, it is important to visit a certified STD doctor.

Where exactly will genital warts typically be found on the average infected individual? On women the areas are: the lips of the vagina (both inside and out), inside the vagina and cervix, and around the rectum. In men the areas are: anywhere on the shaft of the penis, scrotum and opening of the urethra, and around the rectum. Genital warts can also be found inside the mouth and extending down into the throat, but this is atypical.

Genital warts are spread by skin to skin contact including oral, vaginal and anal sex. Therefore, anyone engaging in sexual activity is at risk. One can also auto-inoculate themselves. This means that an infected person can spread the virus from one portion of their body to another. Always be aware of your physical status and take all precautions necessary. These are some of those aforementioned responsibilities.

What type of treatment is available for genital warts? Treatment includes the application of an acid-type or a freezing-type medicine to the affected area in order to remove the genital warts. These days many certified STD doctor will use a laser-type therapy to remove the warts. Without a doctor’s help, many of those infected will clear up within twenty four months. This does not mean that the virus is out of your body, it just means that the symptoms are gone. After genital warts are removed or disappear on their own safe sexual practices MUST continue. It is highly recommended that a certified STD doctor be utilized if one is infected.

If you happen to live in the NYC area—and would like more information on genital warts or any other STD—please log onto HPV treatment NYC. Located just blocks from Grand Central Station, this well-regarded certified STD testing Manhattan has been faithfully serving the New York City area for many years. They are safe, discreet and very affordable—and are run by a genuine certified medical doctor, not a nurse practitioner as at some other similar facilities. Call 1-212-696-5900 for an appointment today. Late weekday and weekend hours are available. Be safe, be protected, be responsible!

Friday, October 5, 2012

All You Need to Know About Gonorrhea Test For the NYC Woman

NYC is a swinging place, lots of clubs, bars, libraries, museums and bake-offs—all the right places to land that one-in-a-million guy. But what happens when Mister Right turns out to be Mr. Wrong-Because-He-Has-Gonorrhea? Simple…get to a walk in clinic in your neighborhood to receive testing and/or treatment. Gonorrhea is a way-too-common and devastating disease that affects over 500,000 people in the United States every year. That comes out to approximately 2,000 cases in NYC annually. And things don’t seem to be getting any better.

What is gonorrhea?
We may have all heard of this disease. Some of us may remember watching black and white films depicting its horrors in school. (Then again we may remember dinosaurs!) Things have changed since it was only a disease to be feared by sailors on leave in old Times Square, NYC.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a type of bacteria that really enjoys growing in those warm moist pockets of human flash. As women, that’s the last place that we want anything growing—unless we are purposefully having a baby. Aside from the vagina, gonorrhea can also grow like wildfire in the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, urethra and the mouth, throat, and anus. In other words, everywhere we fear. Thankfully there is great testing available for this and other STDs at your nearest STD clinic.

How is contracted?
Well, it is NOT contracted from a toilet seat, so put all that nonsense to bed right now. Gonorrhea is contracted through oral, vaginal, and anal sex with an infected partner. Touching infected sex organs and then touching the eyes can also spread this infection. That’s it. No toilet seats, no sharing ice cream. Once again, testing and treatment is quick, easy and affordable—especially in a big city like NYC.

If a woman is pregnant and infected with gonorrhea, she can pass it on to her child during the birthing process. Infants that catch gonorrhea this way can become blind, get joint infections or a life-threatening blood infection. Come on, we’re hip women from NYC and we should know better than to open ourselves up to this kind of thing, but unfortunately our partners rarely where a sign that states they are infected with gonorrhea before we hop in the sack with them. This is where testing and treatment comes in.

One need not become a depressed ball of uselessness if they contract this awful malady. Gonorrhea treatment is easily done, but no one can get help if they do not realize they are infected. Testing is the only reliable way to find out if you have contracted this disease. Get to a NYC based STD clinic as soon as any of the following symptoms occur:

·       Painful urination
·       Vaginal discharge that is either bloody or yellow
·       Bleeding between periods
·       Pain during sex

Obviously, as women we all have suffered through some of these symptoms. It does not mean that you have definitely contracted gonorrhea, but it does mean it is time for testing to occur. Any STD clinic will be happy to proceed with testing at a nominal cost. Testing consists of several methods. They are all painless.

Since you are located in NYC, why not try gonorrhea testing in Manhattan STD Center of New York. They are located just blocks from Grand Central Station, so getting there is not a bother. Log onto STD doctor for more information or simply dial 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chlamydia Testing Made Simpler and Easier

When you hear the phrase “chlamydia testing,” your first instinct may be to get away as fast as you can. And who could blame you? Old habits die hard, and old horror stories sometimes never die. Much of the general population, especially sexually active adults, retains any number of crazy myths about the STD testing experience, and chlamydia is no exception. Compound this with the fact that STDs are a traditionally taboo subject in polite society, and it's no wonder that misinformation abounds.

Well, let's correct some initial misconceptions. Times and customs change, and you know what? So do medical practices. While we were out convincing ourselves not to get tested, the medical community has been busy improving their approach to STD testing and treatment. Plenty of money and research have contributed to a complete revamp of the experience: all sort of painful, invasive, and embarrassing procedures are now things of the past. Sample collection is a piece of cake, lab results are quicker than ever, and most clinics will give out smart counseling along with accurate results. For a curable disease like chlamydia, we're well on our way towards breaking down all those old myths and taboos. Let's learn a little more about the modern chlamydia testing experience.

Over Before You Know It

Forget hideously long Q-tips, forget injections. The most common and reliable testing methods take either a urine sample or a genital swab. The former is usually recommended for men because the urethra is the primary site of infection by the offending bacteria, chlamydia trachomatis, so any urine passing through will pick them up en route. For this reason, men should refrain from urinating beforehand so they can produce a decent sample. Women should prepare for a cervical swab, which literally takes seconds and can be done right there at the clinic.

Please inform your STD doctor or healthcare professional if you have engaged in receptive anal sex, regardless of your gender. They may need to take a rectal swab if that's the case. It's no more invasive than a cervical swab and takes just as little time.

How Long Did You Say?

The preliminary sampling period takes about 15 minutes, start to finish. Samples will be sent to a laboratory, which  typically provides results within five days. Unlike certain other STDs, chlamydia testing results are extremely accurate and usually do not require a backup. Some clinics offer rapid chlamydia tests based on urine samples; with this new technology, results can be available in as little as one hour. One quick but important note: be aware that it can take time for the disease to become detectable once you acquire it. Of course, you should definitely contact an STD clinic if you're worried, but you may be counseled to wait a few days before the actual testing procedure. This “window period” will last no more than one week.

What else?

And that's it! The modern chlamydia testing experience is not so much an ordeal as a routine, and definitely nothing to be afraid of. You should, however, be afraid of the long-term consequences of untreated chlamydia. It can cause permanent reproductive damage, make you more susceptible to other STDs, or affect a pregnancy for the worse. When the whole process is so simple and easy, it doesn't take a genius to recognize the importance of regular testing for sexually active adults. Go ahead and get it over with, you'll thank yourself. And get your sexual partners in, too! You can never be too safe, and you can trust your results once you have them. Should you receive a positive diagnosis, you'll be given exact instructions on which medications to take and how often. This counseling comes with the treatment and is informed by years of tests and studies.

In New York City, you can head to STD Center NY for unrivaled, board-certified medical attention for all of your chlamydia testing in Manhattan questions, concerns, or inquiries. Just blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by train or bus, STD Center NY features affordable, private, state-of-the-art chlamydia testing services. Call 1-212-696-5900 for an appointment or log onto STD testing in NYC for more information. Be sure to check out their Travel Clinic as well. Now is the time to take care of testing in a safe, easy way.