Thursday, February 23, 2012

An STD Stalker in NYC Genital Genocide: Testing for Herpes 2

NYC—home of all things good and bad. They may like things “big” in Texas, but in NYC we like variety. It is, after all, the spice of life. But sometimes having all this variety leads to some disastrous results. Take STDs for example. With a menu consisting of over twenty five different diseases, sicknesses and different illnesses all falling under the STD umbrella, it’s not surprising that we lead the country in herpes infections. That’s right, NYC leads the country in both herpes 1 and herpes 2 cases. Thank goodness for small favors, though, because our love-of variety offers us many decent STD clinics to choose from when we want to undergo testing, as well.

Herpes 2 is genital herpes and they are not something you can hide from your lover unless you demand the lights be shut every time you engage in sexual activity (that would get boring quick, no?). Herpes 2 sores are also very painful. Herpes testing on a regular basis can make you aware of your infection status, thus stopping the spread of this detrimental disease. You owe it to your lover—and yourself—to make sure that you know your status before sex begins. There is no better way to know than to engage in testing procedures on a regular basis. As previously mentioned, there are many places in NYC to begin.

Before we go any further let us take a look at herpes (both 1 and 2), their differences and diagnoses—and their treatment.

What are herpes exactly? Well, herpes is a collection of similar viruses (remember that once you acquire a virus it can only be controlled never cured!). When people speak of herpes they are usually referring—not to chicken pox or shingles (which are also herpes strains)—but to the herpes viruses: HSV 1 and HSV 2. The HSV stands for “Herpes Simplex Virus” with the former being oral herpes and latter being genital herpes.

The symptoms of herpes 2 are a series of painful blisters that break and form unsightly scabs that also hurt. Not everyone who becomes infected show these outward signs. There are people who become infected with the virus and never break out in sores. This is another reason why herpes testing is so very important. Sometimes the only way to know if you are able to infect your lovers is to find out via testing. The people that are infected through these symptomless carriers are more likely than not (by a huge margin) to break out in these horrible sores themselves. Do you really want to condemn someone you are sleeping with to this terrible life-time condition if a simple STD testing in Manhattan procedure can prevent it?

What is the testing procedure? In America in general—and NYC in particular—there are several different tests for herpes 1 and 2. They include the herpes viral culture, the herpes antigen test and the polymerase chain reaction test. It may all sound very confusing but it’s really not. A certified STD clinic can choose the best test for you. The testing procedure will be quick, painless and—believe it or not—pretty darn affordable.

Is there treatment available for herpes 2? Yes, of course, but this genital herpes testing in NYC will not cure a virus, it will only keep it in-check by keeping you healthy and limiting breakouts. Your NYC STD clinic doctor will know the best medicine for you. For those of you located in NYC, log onto herpes 2 testing NYC to arrange and appointment with this discreet certified STD clinic. They are located a few blocks from Grand Central Station, and so easily accessible by subway and bus. Dial 1-212-696-5900 for arrange an appointment—and learn your status!

Monday, February 13, 2012

What’s New in NYC? Rapid HIV Testing Procedures

Quickly knowing the results of any test makes for a lot less stress. Knowing if you aced that math test is one thing, but when you are awaiting the results of your HIV testing, it’s whole other ball game! The days it usually takes to get the results seem to drag like a dusty mummy’s foot. Everything is in slow motion for those few days, as you walk around bug-eyed and stupefied. Good thing there is rapid HIV testing available in NYC these days. Quicker is sometimes better. When it comes to relieving stress, it’s akin to a day-long massage—feet included!

HIV is still a major medical problem in cities like NYC. In fact, it’s still a major issue across the entire globe, with some countries mired in epidemic numbers of cases. Currently there are over one hundred and fifty thousand individuals infected with HIV in NYC—and thousands more who are unaware that they have the disease. This is one of the reasons why testing is so very important to controlling the statistics. When one knows they are infected, they change their behavior (hopefully!), and this change lowers the number of people newly infected. The rapid testing method increases the numbers of people tested and changes their behavior patterns faster than in the past.

Today, HIV and/or complications from AIDS are the third leading cause of death between the ages of 35-54 throughout NYC. Take a moment to put that in perspective. With all the other ways that a person can pass away, HIV is third. How, why? Well, early rapid testing can help lower these numbers. Practicing safe sex and using condoms can also lower these numbers. IV drug users who share needles still pass the disease on, as well. Although heroin is not the problem in NYC that it was back in the 1970s, it is still a popular drug that has only slipped further underground.

HIV testing is easy, safe and relatively painless. The new rapid testing technique is no different. All it takes is blood test, we’ve all had them. They’re not that bad. The facts remain that no one wants to hear that they are positive for HIV, but those who are aware of their status have a better chance at staying healthy via all the new medicines available today that keeps the virus in check and hold off the evolution into full-blown AIDS. HIV is no longer a death sentence, but it should be a concern to any person engaging in sexual activity.

Young people should be aware of the new rapid HIV testing in NYC procedure most of all. At the beginning of the HIV epidemic young people were frightened and therefore practiced safe sex. These days, due to new drugs that prolong life, young people seem to view HIV with less concern than the previous generation. This has directly affected infection rates in the young for the worse. There are ways to combat this scourge that includes an END to unsafe sex binges and includes the practice of monogamy and more importantly—safe sex. Go to an STD clinic today to commence your rapid HIV testing.

For those of us in NYC, log onto STD testing in NYC. This certified STD clinic is located just blocks away from Grand Central Station. They are clean, discreet and affordable. Call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment today. HIV test NYC is the key to a healthy future.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A call to NYC Youth: Invest in STD Testing

In nearly all studies surveying sexual activity in adolescents the statistics show that “inner city youth” are at a substantially higher risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease than any other group in the country. Meaning that if you are between the ages of 13 and 21 and live anywhere in NYC, either the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn or Staten Island, you are at a higher risk than most “middle” American youths of getting some kind of sexual infections.  Which is why if you do live here, are sexually active and under 21 years old, you should be looking into STD Testing to monitor your health.
If you are black you should be especially conscience of these statistics. In the recent 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), as conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, black men and women between grades 9-12 are shown as substantially more likely than Hispanic and white students to behave in ways that put their sexual health at risk. For example 15.2 percent of black students reported having sexual intercourse before their 13th birthday, as opposed to 3.4 percent of white students. And 28.6 percent of black students reported having sex with four or more persons as opposed to only 14.2 of Hispanics reporting so and only 10.5 percent of white students. Both of these behaviors, having sex at a very young age and having had sex with multiple partners, significantly increase the possibility of contracting a STD.
This is not to say that high levels of sexual activity should be condoned. Seeking sexual pleasure is not something to feel ashamed of; it is a natural human urge. So understanding and being comfortable with your sexuality should be seen as an intellectual, physical and emotional triumph that furthers ones understanding of the self and how it connects with other human beings. Considering this study, black youth seem far more sexually confident and mature than white youth.
But certain sexual behavior can also lead to chlamydia. Or syphilis, which the Center for Disease Control reports is an especial concern for young black men, whom are experiencing an increased rate of the disease recently. Syphilis infection is also more active in people between the ages of 15-24. And if you’re gay you’re even more likely to contract it, as the CDC notes that 63 percent of reported cases came from men who have sex with other men.
Again, these are just numbers. They do not condone behavior but are meant to increase awareness, and hopefully inspire caution in sexually active persons.
Yet how does one stay cautious? Conflicting about these numbers is how, even though black youth seem to be more sexually active and statistically have higher rates of STDs, the 2009 YRBS shows that black students proved more responsible in their use of condoms during intercourse relative to Hispanic and white students. So how else can one stay cautious, if condoms aren’t enough?
You need to seek STD treatment, regularly. Condoms aren’t always an effective way to prevent STIs. They do not cover all of the skin, and they are known to break. If you do not know you have an STD you put every one of your sexual partners at risk.
These statistics don’t reflect racial or gender behavior, they reflect city behavior. Inner city youth are more susceptible to STDs because there are more people to spread them. And there are higher concentrations of young, black men in city settings more than anywhere else. The more people, the more likely you are to come across someone who unknowingly has an STD. Stop the cycle, protect your city, get tested.
If you’re feeling timid, visit this STD Testing Clinic. The staff is incredibly respectful and sensitive to your privacy. Their doctors also know all the latest procedures and treatment to protect your health if you end up being positive for anything. If you’re interested, log onto STD Testing NYC or call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment.