Sunday, February 20, 2011

HIV Testing In NYC .Who is at risk?

Back during the 1980s and 90s the population of NYC was hyper-aware of the looming threat of HIV. It was a new phenomenon and the press was vigilant, reporting consistently if often sensationally. Because of this, it is fair to say that many citizens were frightened and most everyone was getting testing done. Fast forward to today, and due to a slowing of infection rates and the advent of spectacular new drugs that keep HIV patients from contracting full-blown AIDS, many persons who are at risk do not have the same concerns as their counterparts did in the early days of this scourge. This phenomenon has been deemed AIDS Fatigue—and it needs to stop.

New Yorkers should be aware that their city is the zenith of AIDS infection. It has three times as many cases as the national average, with AIDS being the third leading cause of death for city residents aged 35-54. At this time there are over 107,000 people infected in the city and thousands more unaware that they are currently positive for the virus. With such disheartening statistics, it is clear why HIV Tesing in NYC  is of such importance.

This leads to the simple question of who should be tested? The following is a checklist of individuals who are at the greatest risk of infection, and therefore are advised to be tested:

·       Anyone who engages in unprotected sex

·       Anyone who has multiple sexual partners

·       Anyone with a history of other sexually transmitted diseases

·       Anyone beginning a new sexual relationship

·       Victims of rape

HIV Testing is safe, fast and reliable. The method by which the testing is achieved is a simple blood test that looks for the antibodies produced by the immune system when HIV is present. The test is 99.5 percent accurate. In the case of a positive result, a confirmatory test is run using the same blood sample. This test is called the Reflex to Western Blot Confirmation test and is done to factor out false positive results.

All New Yorkers should be tested for HIV, if not for themselves than for the ones that they love and who love them. These days, keeping safe is easier than ever. All one needs is the will—and the resources. A great place to get your STD testing in NYC located is STD Clinic in the heart of Manhattan on Madison Avenue and 39-40th street. Call 212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment.

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