Friday, July 20, 2012

NYC and the STD Clinic Clean, Discreet and Affordable

What do you think of when you hear the words STD clinic? Do you think about some dark, cobwebbed NYC den of inequity staffed by lazy-eyed staff mumbling to themselves quietly? Do you picture it like an old NYC Time Square peepshow but with a crazy doctor holding rusty pliers and a blood-smeared smock instead of a unattractive “dancer.” We hope not. Things have changed a bit (a lot!) in the last hundred and fifty years. These days an STD center is clean, spacious, professional and discreet. Some are even run by board-certified medical doctors. You know, doctors. Real live went-to-medical-school doctors. Go figure.

Hopefully anyone engaging in sexual activity realizes that your average STD center in the city is an above-board run medical facility just like all the other respected medical facilities in NYC. If you have a negative view of these places erase it from your mind and understand how important it is to get to one of these clinics in order to finally find out where you stand in regard to infectious diseases.

There are over twenty five separate diseases, sicknesses and illnesses that can be classified as a STD. With numbers this high, one must realize that they are not above becoming infected with one. Many of us—especially at the beginning of our sexual history—do things that perhaps we shouldn’t have. We take ridiculous chances that can result in disease and pregnancy. The statistics for NYC when it comes to disease and pregnancy are higher than in the rest of the country.

In fact, it is approximated that one in four people in NYC have the herpes virus. This is an incredibly high number. It only through the administering of tests at a certified STD clinic that these numbers will eventually go down as opposed to seemingly climb year after year.
One should understand that STD testing these days is quick, mostly painless, and more importantly for some, easily affordable by each and every citizen of NYC. Even you are down on your luck, chances are you haven’t stopped engaging in sexual activity—and that’s another reason why getting yourself to a medical center still makes sense.

Let’s take a look at a few STDs and their testing methods in order to prove to you that getting yourself to a clinic will be a painless and quick experience:


HIV is determined through a simple blood test. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


The urine test is commonly used to determine if you currently have a chlamydia infection. This chlamydia testing can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


These can be diagnosed by the doctor’s naked eye. This test can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Once again a simple blood test is used to determine if you are infected. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Again, simple blood test, very affordable. This can be done at any NYC STD clinic.


Blood syphilis testing once again is used.

The urine test. It doesn’t get any less painful than this.

Since you are in NYC already, log onto Herpes testing NYC. They are a great, clean, spacious, discreet certified STD clinic run by a board-certified doctor and are located just blocks from Grand Central Station. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. NYC STD testing doesn’t come any cleaner and more discreet than STD Center of NYC.

1 comment:

  1. However, it is necessary to have chancre sores visibly present on your body in order to perform this diagnosis.

    chlamydia testing
