Saturday, September 24, 2011

Combatting The Sneaky Symptoms of Syphilis:Reliable Testing in NYC

There sure are a lot of sexually transmitted diseases out there in the wild world of NYC. Unfortunately, they are also in sleepy little Maine hamlets and up and down the west coast, as well. In other words, wherever you are in this great land—if engaging in sexual activity— you should receive STD testing! With the list so long for possible infections, some people opt for a full work up. In this article we are going to concentrate on syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease that seems to have plagued the world as far back as the 16th century. Over the years it has achieved a status unlike others of its ilk. The medical profession sometimes refers to it as “the great imitator” because many of its symptoms mimic those of other diseases, making it hard to distinguish without proper testing.

Syphilis is a disease caused by a tiny spiral-shaped bacterium named Treponema pallidum. It is passed from one person to the next through direct contact with a syphilis sore. On an infected person, sores typically and most commonly break out on the external genitals, vagina, anus and inside the rectum. They can also be found on the lips and inside the mouth. Anyone engaging in sexual activity who finds sores on any part of their genitals, should immediately receive testing at a certified STD clinic. Those in NYC will have many choices of fine facilities.

Although all big cities, such as NYC, have their fair share of cases (any where there are more people there will be more of… well, everything) 36,000 new cases of syphilis are reported each year. The number of true infections is suspected to be much higher, as many people who are positive never get to a doctor to report it. Again, testing for this disease will help lower rates across the entire country. If you do not receive testing for yourself, do it for your fellow Americans!

Symptoms & Syphilis
Approximately three weeks after the initial infection, a primary lesion will form at the site. This lesion is generally located around the mouth, genitals or anus. It is small, often times not painful and will disappear even without medicine (or testing) in three weeks. This first syphilis lesion is highly infectious and if touched by someone chances are they will become infected. Because of its size and painless nature this first symptom usually goes unnoticed.

Approximately four weeks after the lesion disappears what are known as the secondary symptoms may pop up. These next symptoms are often mistaken for general skin problems, such as rashes. They include—but are not limited to—redness and rashes on the arms, legs, face or back. Interestingly enough they also commonly occur on the palms of hands and the soles of feet. If skin problems such as these arise from seemingly nowhere, one should not think they picked up scabies from an average NYC park bench—but should get in for syphilis testing asap!

Still more symptoms can include white patches in the mouth and wart-like breakouts in the genital area. Obviously, if you are suffering from these later symptoms your body is indicating that testing is required. Get yourself to a certified NYC STD clinic as soon as possible. Untreated syphilis can spread to all the major organs causing major health problems up to and including death. Syphilis also infects the brain of untreated carriers and can cause dementia and madness.

For those in NYC in need of a professional and discreet certified STD center, log onto NYC std testing for more information on midtown Manhattan’s popular medical facility. Syphilis testing NYC is located just two blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by both subway and bus. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment that fits into your schedule. They are a doctor’s office you can trust with a dedicated staff that truly cares.

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