Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fun NYC Style? Include the STD Clinic

Ah, NYC—midnight in Manhattan, ballin’ in the Bronx, kickin’ it in Queens, you get the picture: fun is had and many times that fun includes sexual shenanigans. For all the fun, remember all the responsibility that comes with it. Cities like New York are one of the reasons business is brisk at the corner STD clinic.

Just like in the rest of these red, white and blue-splattered United States of America, NYC remains a place where testing for the common STD is highly recommended. No place escapes the scrutiny of the STD clinic. Have your fun—but protect yourself hardily…er, heartily! Unfortunately, the statistics don’t lie: there are over 25 different varieties of the common STD and over 19,000,000 Americans will become infected with one this very year.

In fact, STDs are one of the most common infectious diseases in the United States, so testing should be obvious. It is not. Get it together, don’t be a number and get tested soon. Any certified STD testing clinic can do a bang-up job (pun intended) at it. It’s also simpler and more affordable than you think it is.

Anyone engaging in a sexual relationship—and that includes Romeos and those in long-term relationships alike—should be aware of the STDs they may contract. The following is a list of just several of them and their symptoms:

Chlamydia: Sufferers may not show a single symptom, but in those that do be aware of any discharge from the penis or vagina and any inflammation of the eyes.

Genital Herpes : Any indication of blisters or sores on the genitals or genital area is a tell-tale sign. Discharge from the penis or vagina may also be present, as can be itching in the infected areas.

Genital Warts : Be on the lookout for small painless bumps on or near the genitals. They will look like your every-day skin (but rounded and raised.) If they are very large then they will begin to resemble the more traditional wart.

Hepatitis B: Unfortunately, this disease is making somewhat of a comeback in NYC. An STD clinic should be immediately contacted if you notice any of the symptoms related to hepatitis. These include a jaundicing—or yellowing—of the skin and eyes, or fever, joint and/or headaches and fatigue.

If you live in NYC—or any of the surrounding boroughs—log onto STD test NYC website for more information, and to make a quick and easy appointment at their Madison Avenue offices. STD clinic NYC located just two blocks from Grand Central Station and so are easily accessible by all mass transit, whether bus or subway. Call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a caring staff member and book that appointment today. Be tested. Don’t be another number.

1 comment:

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