Monday, July 11, 2011

Don’t be Unsure Any More. Begin Testing For HIV Today!

Testing, testing, testing… you hear this all the time from friends and family and doctors alike. Early detection, that’s the ticket. Although we know this to be true, it is still sometimes hard to be proactive when it comes to our health. It’s just a human-nature thing. Testing should be done for many potential health risks. Just a few are cancer, lung issues (for smokers) and HIV for anyone who engages in sexual activity.

Saying it is one thing, but doing it is quite another. But the fact remains that getting tested for all STDs is a good idea if you truly care about the one you are with. Some diseases can lay dormant for a long time. So even if you are involved in a monogamous relationship now, your past experiences can rear their heads and bite you on the butt if you are not diligent.           

The facts are pretty clear. In America, HIV and AIDS is still a huge problem. In fact, the statistics say that over one million Americans are currently infected with HIV and another 53,000 Americans will contract it this year alone. This is just an approximation. It is possible that these numbers are much higher—and it is probable that they are. Many people are unaware of their positive status. Something that would change if testing became more commonplace.

If you are currently residing in the New York City area, you know that you must be even more diligent. New York is the state with the most HIV cases per person in the entire country. If you’d like to begin your testing procedure, simply log on to HIV testing NYC website. They are a respected and discreet certified STD clinic located just two blocks from Grand Central Station. Call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a helpful representative and set up an appointment at you convenience. Don’t be unsure any more.

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