Wednesday, August 24, 2011

HIV in NYC: Start Testing Now!

What is it about NYC that makes people so excited? Is it because it’s the capital of the world? Is it because it’s chock full of fun things to do at anytime of the day or night? Or is it because it’s easy to go to a club and find a friend for the evening? No, no, no—definitely not the later. NYC is no different than any big city. If you have your mind set on finding a friend for the evening (and you don’t look like the Elephant Man), there’s a decent chance that you can find someone to go home with. Of course this person may not be the cream of the crop, and this behavior is definitely not safe behavior. This is why HIV testing comes into play.

Look, the facts are the facts: Sometimes we do stupid things in the name of lust. I have. We have. Have you? Let’s say—for argument’s sake—you have (once or twice…). This is precisely why it is a great idea to incorporate a certified STD clinic—and STD test—into your personal health care regimen. Sometimes, there’s no way of telling if you’ve been infected with an STD of any sort without good old fashion “testing”. HIV still lurks out there ready, willing, and able to sneak up on one of us and devastate our lives.

About 15 years ago you couldn’t lob a stone without hitting someone sporting a red ribbon worn ad a reminder of HIV awareness. These days, you could use a slingshot and still not hit anyone. Yet does this mean that HIV has become less of a threat? Of course not. Education is key in curtailing infection rates, but do not think for an instant that HIV has disappeared from the social scene. It hasn’t.

Statistics say that over one hundred and ten thousand New Yorkers are currently infected with the HIV virus. Out of this staggering number, thousands are completely unaware that they are even infected. So they go about sleeping with others and making matters much, much worse. This is the main reason why HIV testing is so important in this day and AIDS… er, age. The fact is that NYC has always been—and still is—the epicenter of HIV infection.

Let’s go back to the beginning and state clearly for the uninitiated what exactly HIV is: HIV is a short for the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus. This virus attacks the body’s defenses, namely its immune system, making it much easier for an infected individual to acquire life threatening illnesses. Without the body’s natural built-in defenses, any number of diseases can prove fatal to the infected.

In NYC the HIV infection rate is three times the national average. These are huge numbers and should not be taken lightly by any New Yorker engaging in sexual relations. Testing is the best first step for anyone currently having sex who has not visited an STD testing center.

Let’s be honest about the past stigma. Years ago, it was thought that HIV and AIDS was a gay-man’s disease. This has been disproven so thoroughly, that anyone who still holds this belief can be labeled a misinformed clown. HIV testing is for everyone engaging in sex, because HIV does not discriminate on the basis of sexual preference.

For those residing in NYC who feels that testing is for them, log onto STD testing NYC, and get the lowdown on how quick, easy and affordable an HIV test really is. This certified HIV testing NYC is located mere blocks from Grand Central Station, making it extremely accessible by subway and bus.Call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment today. Testing is so very important to your health. Please, begin soon.

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