Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pubic Enemy #1 Testing For Gonorrhea in NYC

Gonorrhea is one of those old school STDs that just won’t go away. These days much can be done to combat this sexually transmitted disease. The first step, of course, is testing for it. Once you know your status—then you can take your medicine. In big cities like NYC gonorrhea still wreaks havoc, cutting a large swath of destruction through differing segments of society. As previously mentioned, it is not a new phenomenon. In fact, John Dillinger—America’s most wanted gangster at one time (he was nicknamed Public Enemy #1 and made John Gotti look like a run-of-the-mill burglar—suffered from this potentially deadly disease. Had he lived longer and returned home from the movie theater that infamous evening, he may have died of it just as his brethren in bad-boy status, Henry VIII, did.

Gonorrhea. We’ve all heard of it at some time, but what exactly is it? Well, gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. It is caused by a particularly nasty little bacterium that reproduces easily in warm, moist areas of the human body. This includes the urethra in men, and the entire reproductive tract in women. Being the nasty bugger that it is, gonorrhea can also easily reproduce in the eyes, mouth, throat…and anus. Have you heard the joke about the guy with gonorrhea of the eyeballs? Neither have we. It’s just not funny.

Gonorrhea and other STD testing is a great first step in combating these diseases and attempting to get them under control. NYC is giant, packed city where—believe it or not—people have sex with each other without knowing each others’ medical history. We know…it’s hard to comprehend, but let’s take a look at the facts.

More than 700,000 Americans will come down with new cases of gonorrhea this year alone. Many of these new cases will be concentrated in big cities such as NYC. It is spread from person to person through unprotected vaginal, anal, and oral sex. And since the disease may also be present in the eyes, this is a viable mode of transmission as well. (Eye-on-eye action?)

Although it is possible to be infected with gonorrhea and not show symptoms (especially in women), make sure that testing is done immediately if you are suffering from any of the following:

·         Any discharge from the penis or vagina (this commonly takes on the consistency of pus and has a green, yellow or white color. Ahhh!)

  • ·         Pain while urinating
  • ·         Bleeding between periods
  • ·         Vomiting
  • ·         Abdominal pain

Unlike some other STDs, testing for gonorrhea is a simple urine test. There is no swabbing inside of the penis or vagina necessary to diagnose patients with this disease. The test is easily affordable, quick and completely painless. A certified STD clinic will be happy to administer the test for you. STD center are notoriously discreet, so there is no need to fear that your family, friends, or workplace will get wind of your potential condition.

For those of us in NYC, why not receive your gonorrhea testing NYC at STD Center of NYC? Located just two blocks from Grand Central Station— and with weekend hours available—this is the most convenient clinic in midtown. Simply log onto STD testing NYC or call 1-212-696-5900for more information. Testing is an essential part of your over-all health regimen. Begin today.

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