Monday, December 12, 2011

Catch Chlamydia before it spreads – visit a STD Clinic in NYC

Chlamydia is the most common STD in this country. In 2009 the Center for Disease Control received 1,244,180 reports of cases of it from all across the country. Yet the CDC nearly doubles this number in its estimates of yearly cases by considering the amount of people who do not receive treatment for an infection that many people do not know they have. This is due to the fact that Chlamydia can be asymptomatic, meaning that a large portion of people with it do not suffer from any symptoms. This is why, if you are sexually active, you need to visit an STD Clinic at least once a year to get tested for it, and every 6 months if you change partners often. 

Chlamydia trachomatis is a small bacterium that penetrates your cells within six to eight hours after being injected with it, which could happen during annual, oral and vaginal sex. Acting as a parasite, the bacterium replicates itself within the cell into small elementary bodies, which in about 2-3 days overwhelms the cell causing it to burst and release these new bodies. These in turn infect more cells, which replicate and repeat the process. Thus the bacterium grows exponentially in the body, sending a small herd of itself into another body provided a sexual encounter opens its doors for it. 

All of this could be happening in your body without you even knowing it. Tragic for you, it is also terribly embarrassing if you manage to spread it to someone else. You don’t want that text message telling you to gave Chlamydia testing.
But aside from being embarrassing, left untreated chlamydia can have some devastating repercussions on your body, especially for women:

Cervicitis: This infection is the most common manifestation of chlamydia. And worse yet, of the women that get it more than 50 percent of them suffer no symptoms, which is why it is again important that you invest in STD Testing Center often to get checked for this. When there are symptoms, they include vaginal bleeding in between menstrual cycles, vaginal discharge, and sometimes bleeding directly following sex. Cervictis, untreated, can increase your risk of getting cervical cancer.

Urethra Infection: Cervicitis often leads into chlamydia infection of their urethra.  Usual symptoms are similar to a urinary tract infection.

Perihepatitis: This condition, also known as Fitzhugh-Curtis syndrome, causes an inflammation of the liver capsule and surrounding surfaces. 

Pelvic inflammatory disease: Nearly 30 percent of women who do not treat their chlamydia will develop this disease. This infection inflames the female reproductive organs, and can damage the Fallopian tubes that eggs travel through when leaving the ovary to get to the uterus. These damages pathways can lead to infertility, intense pelvis pain, or what is known as an ectopic pregnancy – when the egg cannot travel all the way through the damaged tube and is thus forced to fertilize where it stands, usually somewhere against the walls of the tubes. These types of pregnancies do not normally survive.  

In already pregnant women, contracting chlamydia can cause premature ruptures of the membrane and dangerously lower the birth weight in delivered babies. Offspring can also inherit their mother’s problems, with 20 to 50 percent of newborns developing conjunctivitis when chlamydia is left untreated in the mother.
Remember, nearly 50 percent of women suffer no symptoms after contracting chlamydia. You must get tested at least once a year if you are sexually active and more often if you have multiple partners or have changed partners recently.
If you live near New York, protect yourself by visiting this STD testing in NYC and get tested. Its doctors will take care to ensure your results are 100 percent accurate, and will cure you if you have a positive  Chlamydia testing in NYC. Your privacy is important, and its staff respects yours. Just log onto or call 1-212-696-5900 to protect yourself and others from STDs.  

1 comment:

  1. In men, untreated chlamydia can affect the testicles and ultimately lead to infertility.

    chlamydia test
