Tuesday, November 22, 2011

STD Testing in NYC: The Top Three Reasons to Get it Done!

Undergoing testing for an STD or two is a good idea. It’s a good idea whether you live in NYC or you live in Timbuktu. There’s nothing different about a large city like NYC when you are speaking of things like catching an STD. Many people are under the assumption that the larger cities have faster crowds, but that is not always the case. Suburban and rural areas of the country contain a whole bunch of crazy livin’. The statistics regarding Oxicontin abuse make this crystal clear.

In NYC there are more people. This is a big reason why it seems that the city is riddled by drugs and disease. It’s not. It’s also home to the ballet. So take that—ha! No matter where you happen to live in the United States it is a good idea to get testing done if you engage in any sort of sexual activity. But let’s take a look at the top three questions regarding STI test.

Third Top Question Regarding STDs
What exactly is an STD? Well, this is a great place to start for obvious reasons. An STD is a Sexually Transmitted Disease—and there are over twenty five of them that are recognized across the board by the mainstream medical community. So in order to become infected with an STD one needs to engage in some sort of sexual activity. This does not need to be full-on sexual intercourse, however. Many STDs are passed around through oral and anal sex. From NYC, to the littlest town in Kansas, people are under some mighty false impressions regarding what constitutes an STD. Never forget that good health begins by testing—and once the results are in the healing can begin!

Second Top Question Regarding STDs
How can I tell if I have an STD? Great question because we know that some people walk around all day long in fear of touching an NYC public restroom door handle just in case they pick up some diabolical germs. There are also people on the other end of the spectrum. This type of person can walk around all day long with an ax sticking out of their head and not give it a second thought. Before you run to get testing performed for any STD, checkout this handy list of symptoms to see if you are suffering through any of them today (or yesterday, as symptoms sometime hide themselves away as the disease does its dirty work internally).

Dark or foul smelling urine—Possibly chlamydia, gonorrhea or a urinary tract infection.
Any unnatural secretion from the penis or vagina—Possibly gonorrhea syphilis or Chlamydia.
Pain while urinating—Possibly Chlamydia, UTI, syphilis or gonorrhea.
Bumps, blisters or warts on genital area—Possibly human papillama virus, herpes, scabies or pubic lice.

The Number One Top Question Regarding STDs
How can I avoid catching an STD? The only way to be one hundred percent sure that you will not catch an STD is to NOT have sex. Because this is out of the question for many people, the next best thing is to use condom protection whenever you engage in sexual activity—including oral and anal sex. If you have been engaging in sex and have not yet gone for testing, it is time.

For those of us that live in NYC log onto STD testing in NYC for more information on this pretty cool doctor’s office. They are located just a few blocks from Grand Central Station in Manhattan so getting there is easy by train or bus. They are state of the art, STD clinic very discreet and offer diagnosis and treatment for all STDs. If you’d like to make an appointment, just call 1-212-696-5900. Remember that once the results are in the healing can begin!

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